View Full Version : Side effects

18-05-16, 13:33
Hi all I'm on day 3 of cit and was wondering bout the side effects I mean do they come straight away after the first pill or do they take a few days I've had a constant headache since taking them and feel a little low today but I was expecting and still am awful side effects. Or wishful thinking am I not having any.

18-05-16, 14:00
Well, mine came about 4-5 hours after taking the first tablet, and I could have covered two sides of A4 with a list of them.

We're all different though, so my experience will not necessarily be reflected by anybody else.

You may be lucky Becky. The headache and low feeling are fairly classical side-effects, but that's all you may get.

18-05-16, 14:04
This is a hard question to answer as we are all individual as to how we react to SSRI's. Some get no side effect, some get mild and some get severe. The length of time varies also as to when they kick in. For some its two weeks and for some it can take up to three months.

If you haven't done so already check out the thread called the Citalopram Survival Guide.


18-05-16, 14:15
I'm hoping I'm a lucky one. I know everyone reacts different but just thought I'd ask and victory I think I've read the citalapram survival guide about 5 times very helpful I no they take a while to kick in but does the no side effects mean there not working?

18-05-16, 14:28
I'm hoping I'm a lucky one. I know everyone reacts different but just thought I'd ask and victory I think I've read the citalapram survival guide about 5 times very helpful I no they take a while to kick in but does the no side effects mean there not working?

If you get no side effects that is great and it does not mean they are not working. You are just very lucky :yesyes:

Unfortunately I am one who gets pretty bad side effects and it take about 2-3 months for cit to kick in for me. I just hit six week @ 20mg on Monday and I still feel pretty awful, but I am pushing through and I will hopefully turn a corner in the next couple of weeks.

18-05-16, 14:31
The mornings are the worst for me but about 10 ish I start to feel more human again

Victory u done so well to stay with them with the awful side effects your doing brill and fingers crossed they start to subside soon keep ur chin up

18-05-16, 17:35
The mornings are the worst for me but about 10 ish I start to feel more human again

Victory u done so well to stay with them with the awful side effects your doing brill and fingers crossed they start to subside soon keep ur chin up

Thank you Becky!!! Every day I wake up hoping its going to be the day that they finally kicked in. I know that day will be coming soon.

Yes mornings are the worst for me too esp the anxiety. I remember the morning anxiety being one of the last of the symptoms to disappear for me. When I woke up with no morning anxiety I knew that the tabs kicked in.

18-05-16, 18:01
Well I'm only on day 3 so still have way to go yet I wake every morning wishing it would just go but it doesn't get on with the day and hope in a few weeks I will see results x