View Full Version : Bowel worries again

18-05-16, 14:37
It's been 2 years (yes I checked) since I last posted about my bowel cancer anxieties . At the time I had a lot of tests including a colonoscopy that were all clear. I've not worried since until this weekend. On Sunday I had an extremely urgent call to the loo with agonising cramps. Of course I was out walking with no toilet or my car for miles. I ended up passing out in agony. Luckily my husband got me home but then I spent around 5 hours on the toilet with painful diarrhoea. The last couple of times I passed a significant amount of bright red blood. I then was taken by ambulance to hospital where I had blood tests and was put on a drip. My bloods were normal and I was discharged to attend the GP on Monday. My GP thought it sounded like Shigella ( my son had just returned from travelling) and I sent off a sample yesterday. Now my imagination has taken over and I'm convinced that this time it's cancer. If my tests were clear 2 years ago should I take some solace in that or could cancer grow rapidly in these intervening 2 years. Neither the GP or a & e Dr were concerned about cancer as they said it doesn't usually present with the agonising tummy pains or diarrhoea. Any advice pleas?

18-05-16, 21:50
This does sound like some sort of stomach/intestinal complaint. I had campylobacter (a bacteria), which had the same symptoms as yours.

You are right, a clear colonoscopy protects you for 5+ years so you need not worry about that.

Take care, Lesley

19-05-16, 12:03
Thank you Lesley for your reply. I also had campylobacter many years ago but can't remember the blood part. Lisa