View Full Version : Anyone on propranolol?

18-05-16, 14:52
I was prescribed the above two weeks ago, mainly for migraine but also as I get anxiety the dr thought two birds with one stone, anyway, I have a huge fear of medication, but I bit the bullet and took my first one this morning, and now I feel so panicked, I keep thinking it will have an adverse effect.
Is anyone on this and could you let me know how it made you feel? Any side effects? Would be much appreciated

18-05-16, 15:06
i was taking them to stop anxiety/panic attacks a few years back, i had 10mg ones they were fine to take to be honest never had any side effects

18-05-16, 15:30
I've been taking Propanolol 20mg three times a day since February. I haven't experienced a single side effect. As with all medications, it does come with potential side effects. But it's generally a pretty safe medication and I feel I've really benefited from it.

18-05-16, 18:00
Took my very first one at 5pm don't know how to space them out?

18-05-16, 18:09
Thanks for your replies, it's very reassuring.

Kathy13, are you on two a day? I will take mine pretty much 12hrs apart, Morning and night, I'm due to take my second one now and feeling the worry again

18-05-16, 18:42
Hi I am so glad I found this site. My GP gave me them a week ago and fear they will damage my heart I wouldnt take them. Took my BP today and it was so high I came home and took one straight away! It says take three a day! Sitting here feeling scared!!!! They are only 10mg but cause I've never had beta blockers before I am in the unknown. Much rather diazepam but Dr won't give me them! I hate the nights most of all!!!

18-05-16, 18:55
Hi I am so glad I found this site. My GP gave me them a week ago and fear they will damage my heart I wouldnt take them. Took my BP today and it was so high I came home and took one straight away! It says take three a day! Sitting here feeling scared!!!! They are only 10mg but cause I've never had beta blockers before I am in the unknown. Much rather diazepam but Dr won't give me them! I hate the nights most of all!!!

It's not a case of either/or with Propranolol and Diazepam. They're very different drugs. I can understand why you'd want Diazepam, but honestly, the potential problems mean you're better off without it, and no doctor should be putting you on it long term.

10mg of Propranolol is a very low dose. I was put on it by a doctor who wasn't my GP, so when I went to see her, she was really surprised. I'm a fairly large chap so 10mg barely touched the sides. I'm doing well on 20mg three times a day. Don't sit there feeling scared. Lots of people take beta blockers without coming to any harm and if they work for you, you'll be glad of them.

18-05-16, 18:56
Taking it for situational anxiety, public speaking, planes etc anywhere I might panick. I use it planned out. Like tomorrow I have a presentation to about 20 people. I take it an hour in advance. I don't get physical symptom cues like sweat, shakes and I am golden. Best hing I ever discovered. For pure panic I keep 10 Mgs Xanax and break in half take no later Han 30 mins and with the two. Am bullet proof. In four years I have taken maybe 50 propranolol in a year and max 10 half Xanax. Once for presentation to CEO I took 2 prop and two Xanax because the agenda got mixed and I didn't know when I would present. I didn't even present in the end! This combo along with cbt has restored my confidence in spaces I never even used to consider worrying. Props were a game changer for me

18-05-16, 20:28
I take 80mg slow release and have had no side effects. As others have said 10mg is a very low dose. You will be fine honestly.

21-05-16, 05:49
I was prescribed it for migraines & anxiety but my blood pressure was too low for me to take it so I switched to almotriptan and lorazepam.

fretty freda
21-05-16, 22:52
I took it many years ago .Yes it works stops heart racing , stops shakes , stops anxiety. It works .I couldn't take it again as it interacted with my other medication but while I took it it was fine , can't remember any side effects x

26-05-16, 20:14
Hi All

Ive gone on propranolol the last few days along with an increase in my Sertraline (SSRI) and i feel really spaced out and shattered. Dumb almost. Whilst this is preferable to being very anxious I'm just wondering if this is a normal side effect? I'm only taking 20mg twice a day but i feel like a total zombie!

26-05-16, 20:24
It's more likely to be the sertraline increase causing these side effects than the propranolol.

26-05-16, 20:36
I started these last weds and I had what you have described for the first 2 or 3 days but have been totally fine and side effect free since

27-05-16, 13:16
ok thanks that's good to know. I see on instructions it says may cause drowsiness and don't drive. Hopefully it goes after a few more days :)

27-05-16, 15:48
I take 80mg slow release- my mum has been on the ones you take more frequently for years. The doctor that prescribed them said he is on them himself. I am sure they are safe. The only thing I have ever heard is that sometimes people who do a lot of sport feel they don't perform as well when taking betablockers. I think this is to do with the fact the heart can't go as fast as it normally would to pump oxygen around the body. I do moderate exercise myself and have never found they impacted me.