View Full Version : Really stressed and worried newbie

18-05-16, 16:34
Hi all I'm a 37yr old mum of 2 with extreme health anxiety:weep:bit of recent history.... 13 weeks ago had my second child by csection 8 weeks later had emergency open appendectomy and ever since freaking out about everything!im constantly feeling sick and shake terrible! I've been on 30mg of seroxat for 15 years which are not working I'm in poop out! Can't have a different ssri till I'm totally off these which will take months:weep: I've been having yellowish poop all week and pain under ribs along with yellow of eyes only around color bit and corners and under lids...its freaking me out .... I've had fbc,kidneys and liver function bloods two weeks ago which were all normal... Was in docs today about my eyes but he said they are fine and the yellow normal? He wouldn't do bloods again as only had them done few weeks ago. I'm I stressing for no reason? I'm constantly checking my eyes and starting to stare at other people to see if their the same!:doh: I'm a nervous wreck! Please help:weep: thanks for listening xx

18-05-16, 17:04
Ceri78 please don't get yourself in a state. I'm certain nothing will be wrong with your liver/kidneys etc - you've had the tests. It's just your anxiety playing tricks with you.

It's not surprising you are upset, having just had a ceasarian and then an emergency appendectomy! And having to cope with a young baby isn't easy for anyone so it's no wonder you feel rubbish - anyone would. I think it's this that's causing you to focus on these 'symptoms'.

I had CBT once and they told me that if you're an anxious person, the anxiety will find your weak spot - in my case my health worries - and every time you are stressed etc, it will come out as obsession about my health.

Has your GP offered any counselling or other talking therapy as well as the medication? If not, I would ask to be referred.

Take care and here's a big hug to be going on with :bighug1:

18-05-16, 19:56
Hi pigeon and thank you so much for your reply! I've always had mental health issues back in 200o I had my first panic attack which ended up with depression followed by 4 months of agrophobia it was hell.Gp put me straight on seroxat which pulled me out but being on them for 15years they've now stopped working :weep:my anxiety started up while having my section I had a full blown panic attack on the table and have not been myself since! And then rushed in to have more major surgery on my stomach for an appendectomy! I was hoping for keyhole but the pregnancy pushed my appendix up behind my colon so keyhole was out of the question. I'm petrified of hospitals as it is so now I seem to be finding things on my body-googling and freaking out! I'm seeing someone from the mental health team about my health anxiety next Thursday.i don't know, i don't even believe my doctor anymore :unsure:I'm that bad I feel like I need blood tests every week to make sure alls ok!i seem to have no interest in anything bar myself and googling!! I feel my husband and children are suffering and I just want my life back its taking over:weep: I just can't seem to stop looking at the yellow in my eyes in the mirror, also my nails look white like Terry's nails!!!! God I hate Google. Thank you and big hugs to you too :bighug1:xx

18-05-16, 22:10
You know that you have to stop Googling don't you? If you don't change, nothing will change. Really there is nothing to be gained from tormenting yourself, believe me. It's the golden rule for anyone with HA.

You have been through a lot but you have to believe the GP and get the therapy before you get better. Take one step at a time and be kind to yourself
