View Full Version : Fear about reality

19-05-16, 06:00
I've had this for about four years now, it's like one long nightmare. I keep getting thoughts of what if nothing is real and just in my mind. I'm scared I believe it now, it feels so true and I'm terrified this will never end. I want to feel like my family is back. Is it really just anxiety? Can it make you feel like you believe something you don't want to?

19-05-16, 07:05
Yes, it's certainly something you can experience in anxiety. It's more a DP/DR thing but can include solipsism too. There are various people talking about this on the DP/DR board and one a bit lower down on this board by Carl. Perhaps see what he is saying because it's similar. There are definitely some threads about this on the DP/DR board that I've seen over recent months with people helping each other.

Can it make you feel like you believe something you don't want to?

No, that's why you feel so conflicted about it. It's coming from your subconscious but it doesn't match to your deeper beliefs and the conflict ends up with your conscious mind trying to sort out the problem.

If you were delusional and truly believed what these thoughts are telling you, you wouldn't be on here asking about it as you would 100% believe it no much how any human being told you otherwise and would refuse to accept any legitimate proof to the contrary.

EDIT: Here is Carl's thread:


I think this was one of the DP/DR guys with similar concerns that I remember:


19-05-16, 10:56
Thank you. It does FEEL like I believe it, I'll look at my family and get very sad because I'll think they might not be real, and it feels true. I'm scared because I can't find anyone who has had this as long as me and gotten better...I don't want this to be the rest of my life! I want to not be afraid, but also feel confident again it's not true but I'm feeling like I'll never get there.

19-05-16, 13:12
My thoughts have attached to every aspect of life and existence. I have this huge ongoing feeling of panic and doom. It's like my mind won't accept life for what it is and is freaked out by every aspect of life and reality. I keep getting told that my mind will get bored of feeling this way but because it's like some sort of shift in how my mind works I just can't see it changing. Every movement of everyday has been a battle for 3 months now. I just don't see the point\purpose in life and existence. My mind attaches this rule to every single moment of my life. Like being on here trying to find a way to better myself. I just don't see the purpose of it as I don't see the purpose of life

21-05-16, 00:54
I'm really in a bad place with this. Some people tell me to accept it might be true but how will that help? I feel like my mind is pummeling me over and over with this is going to be your life from now on :(

21-05-16, 05:12
Accepting possibility means you don't fight it off which causes more anxiety and thinking. It's the same concept used for others mental or physical symptoms.

Negative response, especially emotions, reinforce fear response so by responding with a positive/neutral response you end up starving it of what it expects back. It's not easy though. It's an effective strategy with intrusive thoughts whether you agree to possibility, say "whatever", observe it without reaction, use challenging responses, etc

fretty freda
21-05-16, 21:39
Carl very similar to my worries let me know when you work it out x