View Full Version : intense dizziness ��

19-05-16, 10:43
I'm in the middle of a horrible bout of anxiety. I'm worried that I have something wrong in my head. I keep getting intense moments of dizziness. I was feeding my baby last night and all of a sudden wham. It only lasts for a matter of seconds but it just puts me back to square one. I'm not sure if its dizziness or vertigo. I try to work put the difference. I was having a really good day yesterday but today not so much. Does anyone else get these random dizzy spells and its all been ok. I went to the GP in a panic and he said its all fine, took my blood which has come back all normal. I cant help the worrying. My husband has just had some good news and I'm really pleased for him but all I want to do is go and hide ������

Gary A
19-05-16, 12:04
Vertigo is defined as the illusion of movement, you feel like you or your surroundings are moving or spinning when you're perfectly still. Dizziness can be lightheadedness or a sudden feeling that you're close to passing out.

Any form of dizziness that lasts a few seconds is highly unlikely to be anything serious. Many things can cause it, like benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, inner ear infections, chronic or acute hyperventilation, any number of postural conditions and of course, anxiety.

If it's happening upon changes in head movement it's likely to be BPPV, but I'd assume your GP should have checked for that.

This type of dizziness is very common with people who are suffering from long term anxiety and or panic.

Anything wrong "in your head", would give you severe, progressive and long lasting vertigo. Short bouts of dizziness are common and while annoying, very rarely a sign of anything remotely sinister.

19-05-16, 14:26
THank you Mr Gary T your my logical side ��

26-05-16, 10:36
Did your dizziness go ? I've had it on and off since having my baby

26-05-16, 21:27
No I still have it. Went back to the GP he thinks its a ear problem. When did you have your baby??