View Full Version : Yes another bm question :( really want this to end

19-05-16, 11:28

Sorry for making so many of these but I really want this to go now and im still concerened I went fishing yesterday had some panic attacks In the morning but things seemed to settle a little. Got back did a bit 2 decent sized bits but it felt like there was more in there but I couldnt get it out.

Been this morning as soon as I got up and it's still similar have a bit of gas well quite allot and I passed some decent sized ones but most of them are like thinning not very thin s shaped with a few bigger ones. When I go it feels like I'm going to push a bigger one out but nothing that size comes out :( unless it's breaking off or something.

What I'm saying are you sure this is anxiety as I did calm a bit but it's still there or does it take a while to settle ?

19-05-16, 11:46
It's clear that you're in a very difficult spiral right now. I've spiralled myself not so long ago and my heart goes out to you. I hope you are receiving/will seek treatment for your anxiety.

Nothing you describe sounds alarming to me, but nobody here is a doctor and we can't see the evidence, as it were. I'm not sure you'll ever truly get the answers you're looking for here. A doctor can of course assess your symptoms and your health in this area, but it's debatable whether seeking that reassurance is the right way forward.

In any case, I wish you all the best.

19-05-16, 12:05
I think ServerError as given you sound advice there I can understand my anxiety is running amoke with me so I know how you end up chasing your own tail .

Nothing you have said sound worrying in fact it sounds like your bowel is just a bit sluggish and that's normal for all of us at times .

We are not Drs and so can't be 100 per cent sure but think about it if you went to teh Drs and he tells you it's nothing how long will that last .

Reasurence for me never works it's so short lived .
I do wish you well with your Anxiety .

19-05-16, 13:26
Yeah this morning has been an anxious one been 4 times so far :/. Just doing bits of sausage like ones a bit bigger

19-05-16, 14:27
It's quite normal to feel like there is still some needing to come out and I think it's just your focus on that area that is making it worse for you.

Something else to consider might be roids. When they inflame they can make you feel like there is something in there. Have you had any pain in that area when passing? Have you been straining? Have you been going a lot? Any blood on the toilet paper? Any mucus in the bowl? Any bum itching? Any seeping type sensations in your underwear? Any soreness in that area?

19-05-16, 14:34
From reading your threads it sounds like you are obsessing so much about each bowel movement, if anybody inspected and observed every bowel movement they would note 'differences' in the stool and how much they pass ect.

I have been where you have as i suffered badly with IBS C. Terry is right that hemorrhoids can cause you to feel as if you have not fully emptied, i would go back to the toilet and keep trying, just makes it worse. That feeling would go eventually but could last all night, especially if you have a sore bum lol.

I don't know what tests you have had or what you're GP has said but it just sounds like you have severe anxiety over this, an ultimately learning to let it be is what you need to do, as hard as it will be.

19-05-16, 18:52
Yes, i am obsessing over every bm I'm even anxious now before going to the toilet incase it doesn't come out right which makes me really tense :(. and before eating and so on but I can still eat quite well. I did have some itching before i think it was a fissure or little cut as I've put some sudocrem on it and it seems to have gone a little now the itching etc.

But yeah I'm just panicking all the time and when i get the urge to go I'm still really nervous and anxious for what might happen, Had the urge just coming home from a mates house tonight went had some wind but nothing came out there's definitely some in there though and now I'm scared again because i keep thinking this is the start and it's going to get worse from now with the constipation :(.

The cramps I've been having are in the upper abdominal area and a bit in the lower but mainly upper can this be anxiety?

I've been out to day for the day and although i still had the slight feeling of i might need the toilet the urge hasn't been strong and some of the symptons slightly dissappeared I'd say.