View Full Version : Anyone had DP/DR and recovered from it?

19-05-16, 13:43
I was wondering if anyone on here has had DP/DR and recovered from it?
If so please can you advise the following?

- How long did you have DP/DR for before recovering?

- did you find that you got 'normal moments' that lasted longer each time as time went on, or did your symptoms just lessen and eventually disappear over a period of time or did you wake up one morning and was suddenly better?

- did things like shopping (just an example) feel strange to you and you just kept doing them over and over again and gradually it felt less strange?

- was there anything in particular that you think helped you recover or was it just a case of letting time pass?

I would really appreciate your replies
Thank you

19-05-16, 18:37
Hi Danielle,
I can't say I've recovered from DP/DR as I still experience it, but I can tell you that you get better without even realising it. The more you do something, the less strange it feels, as you've put it, because you get used to it, and your mind is able to tell that that particular activity poses no threat to your system.
As your anxiety levels drop, 'normal moments' will become more and more frequent.

19-05-16, 19:01

I agree with ana. I have had DP/DR a few times over, so I wouldn't say 'recovery', but definitely would say 'management'.

I think the most frightening time with DP/DR is the first time. When I first had it it terrified me beyond belief. It is the worst feeling in the world to not feel like yourself, to think it is a stranger looking back at you in the mirror, to feel like everything is unreal, to feel disconnected from and like you don't know your family......just awful.

The thing about it is that the more times you experience DP, in a ironic way, the easier it gets to deal with. It is still scary, but the difference is that you now KNOW that this just high anxiety making it happen, and that just as it has come and gone before, it will come and go again.

- I had DP the first time for about a week or two, but it would go up and down. Sometimes I would feel pretty connected and like me....then I would feel that out of body thing again.

- For me personally, it lessened over time, the further into meds I got, and so the easier my anxiety felt.

- Oh yes....shopping!!! That was a major issue for me when my anxiety was at its peak. I became mildly agoraphobic because of it. I would be in a food shop with my basket, looking at shelves and then suddenly feel like I was in a movie or something, and that everything was not real. A couple of times I had to get out of the store and go home because of panic attacks. Yes....I forced myself out of the house and to keep doing it until I felt ok. I found this the best way to tackle it.

- The only way I know how to manage DP/DR is to face it, try to ignore it and keep going with my normal, daily routine. Surrounding yourself with family and friends and all that is familar is a real help.

It does pass with time. It doesn't feel like it when you are in the middle of it, but it honestly does. xx

21-05-16, 19:59
Hello Ana and Debs,
Thank you both so much for your replies I really appreciate it :) it really helps to hear from people that have managed to get through it and to be told that it will get easier and pass xx

21-05-16, 21:04
No problem. :) It will get easier, and it will pass, I promise!

22-05-16, 00:20
Hello Ana and Debs,
Thank you both so much for your replies I really appreciate it :) it really helps to hear from people that have managed to get through it and to be told that it will get easier and pass xx

No worries Jenijar! :winks:

DP is a nasty trick of an anxious mind, but it will feels easier to deal with and less scary in time. xx:hugs: