View Full Version : Jaw clenching driving me bat****

19-05-16, 18:58
I am constantly clenching my jaw to the extent that my whole face hurts and so does my neck, my head and shoulders/arms. I'm sure I wasn't doing it before starting the citalopram and it is driving me batshit!

I catch myself doing it and have to make a conscious effort to relax my jaw, then a few minutes later I'm doing it again without even realising! I'm starting to get lines on my top lip like people who smoke do now where I'm constantly pursing them! Anyone else getting this and does it eventually stop?

19-05-16, 19:09
I get this with.my jaw a and my whole body when I realise I'm doing I relax like you said for a few moments then realise I'm doing it again pain in the arse it is always feeling tense and sore

19-05-16, 20:32
It will eventually go away no worries!! :)

20-05-16, 08:36
Phew, thanks!

20-05-16, 21:29
oh wow yes im exactly the same!! SO ANNOYING and painful.. x

23-05-16, 15:12
It's SO annoying. I never realize I'm doing it until something snaps in my head and goes "why does my jaw hurt so much?" UGH!

23-05-16, 17:49
It is making my shoulders and neck hurt too, and all my teeth are sensitive.

23-05-16, 18:54
Yep same here.. Bad headache today too.. Just cant stop clenching! Its horrible.

23-05-16, 19:07
Oh yeah, I forgot about the headache - got that too - Grrrr!!!!!

---------- Post added at 19:07 ---------- Previous post was at 19:07 ----------

I wonder why it happens?

23-05-16, 20:07
Not a clue.. Just a nightmare!

23-05-16, 20:50
Do any of you get a sore tongue or like cuts on your tongue where it's rubbing when clenching?

23-05-16, 21:09
Omg yes. Sore tongue just settled down but had it for at least 2 years. Doc said it's the anxiety that caused mine.

23-05-16, 21:11
I'm so glad to hear someone else say that. Because I'v been panicking about it. Was it just on one but like you kept biting or chewing it from being anxious?

23-05-16, 21:57
My tongue keeps going to the back of my front teeth and it has made the gum really sore there.

24-05-16, 18:52
It felt like it was swollen and catching on my teeth but doc said it wasnt and that i was biting down on it.. x