View Full Version : UPDATE - Please Read

19-05-16, 19:15
Hello guys it's me Michael again. I posted a month ago about my throat discomfort and I'm just here to give an update to see if this is normal. So it's about three months since I first heard the clicking sound in my throat and it's been about a month and a half since my "globus" feeling appeared and it's been getting a bit worse. It's constantly irritating me. As I wake up like literally, as I wake up I feel it. It does not bother me when I sleep. Sleepin actually helps it. But during the day it just bothers me and I keep thinking to myself, what can this be? Even as I work (Wendy's) I still feel it and it sometimes irritates me at work. I constantly drinking water to try and clear it better and I'm eating like 3 packs of halls a week and nothing. I went to the doctors and they told me I might have something called "silent reflux" from food I've been eating probably from Wendy's. He gave me these acid killing pills. I've been taking them for a week so far but not really noticing a difference (I'm eating less junk). He gave me 30 to take. I have to take one everyday for the next 30 days.

Other than that, still, my breathing is fine. Sleeping is fine. When I went to the doctors, they said I don't have any signs of swollen lymph nodes. No chest pain, except for these little shootings I have in my chest but they come and go. I can still work but my throat will bother me but I wouldn't let it. The only thing is now when I eat, I sometime feel as if there is food getting stuck in my throat before it goes down. Even with drinking. I don't know if it's because I'm so focus on my throat that every odd thing catches my attention or what but everyday of my life, I'm just constantly worry about my throat. This feeling does not go away. I don't have any personal problems in my life that should be triggering my "globus" like my life is good. I really don't know why I'm having this throat problem. Even when I'm with my friends laughing, talking and having fun, this feeling in my throat is still there and it brings down my mood. It's summer time now and I'm just trying to enjoy my summer without all this worry. So if anyone knows anything or felt this way when they had globus sensation please let me know so I can feel better and just try to convince myself that I'm okay and it's all anxiety.

Thank you guys so much.

19-05-16, 19:24
You're way too focused on this harmless sensation. You're feeding it everything it needs to carry on. It's anxiety. It really is. I had this symptom and then some. I remember choking by the side of the road. Indeed, if I remember it for long enough, I can feel it coming back.

You honestly have to just be patient and not give it so much credibility. It's just a feeling and it won't hurt you. It's temporary and will ease off when you stop focusing on it.

Good luck. You can do it.

19-05-16, 19:27
Hi I have suffered with globus on and off for years, the last time I had it was the longest duration, it lasted about 3 months. I was given antacids which helped but I still refused to believe it was a benign condition and pestered my GP for an ear, nose and throat referral. I then pestered the ENT consultant for an MRI as I was convinced I had something seriously wrong. ENT said I was subconsciously focusing on the sensation and because I was anxious was making it worse. The day after my clear MRI the sensation disappeared. I was shocked but my GP wasn't, he had tried to tell me that it was anxiety. I know you might not think it at the moment, but if you have globus , it will disappear , probably when your least expecting it, it will go. The antacids will help silent reflux and also watching your diet and avoiding foods which can make reflux worse. Hope you are feeling better soon.