View Full Version : 50,000 iu a week of vitamin D causing panic?

19-05-16, 21:44
I found out my vitamin d level is very low at 15. My doc prescribed me 50,000 ius of vitamin D to take once a week. I feel strange. My anxiety and panic was under control until i started taking this but i have no choice but to take it since i am very deficient. I have been getting panic attacks, burning crawling pinching feeling on my scalp and skin, palpitations, headaches, body aches, severe depersonalization, insomnia followed by ecxessive sleep.anyone experience this? Also does it get better once i get adjusted to taking it. Just took my third dose today. So far just a little anxious and upset stomach.will it get better?

19-05-16, 21:54
Not a doctor myself, but I did some quick research. It appears that it is better to take D3 as opposed to D2, and that it would be better (if you're not already) to take an amount daily that would add up to 50,000 as opposed to the 50,000 all at once.

I wouldn't be alarmed, but would definitely speak with your doctor just to see what he says. :)

19-05-16, 23:00
Ask your doctor to check your parathyroid hormone level, it can cause low Vit D.
Happened to me.

22-05-16, 06:41
Update- saw my psychiatrist today. She agreed the vitamin D was causing my panic attacks. I am still going to take them but at least i know where the anxiety is coming from. Vitamin D is also a hormone. When you go from a low amountvto as much as i am taking it is going to have an effect on your body but at least it is for a good cause. Vitamin D is essential for your overall well being. It prevents all types of diseases and once my levels go up and are stable my anxiety will improve. I took my third dose yesterday with no issues.

22-05-16, 07:25
Could you maybe break them in half and take one in the morning and one before bed?

---------- Post added at 01:25 ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 ----------

Could you maybe break them in half and take one in the morning and one before bed?

22-05-16, 12:29
The treatment depends on your diagnosis. Some people are lower so have a more aggressive strategy to quickly raise their levels. Doctors work to correct the problem quickly but if it has an adverse like this they may be able to spread the treatment out longer to reduce the negative impacts?

Your magnesium levels need to be good too. Vitamin D is heavily restricted by that.

22-05-16, 18:22
It was mostly the same for me, horrible, but it was only 10,000 a day, for a month, then it was still pretty bad at 5,000 a day.

22-05-16, 20:26
I have health anxiety and have just found my vitamin D levels are low, lots of aches & pains and waking up every 2 hours wide awake.. This is really upsetting me..

---------- Post added at 19:26 ---------- Previous post was at 19:10 ----------

Quick question , I have health anxiety and have been getting joint pain, started in the back... Just found out I have very low vitamin D... Is this linked to the heath anxiety? Really worried...thanks

22-05-16, 21:51
I will say it again, please get your parathyroid hormone level checked.
If your parathyroid level is high your body automatically prevents your body from absorbing vit D, it is a protective mechanism.
It really did happen to me.
I had to get my parathyroid problem fixed before I was allowed to take Vit D.

---------- Post added at 20:51 ---------- Previous post was at 20:47 ----------

I'm talking about parathyroid NOT thyroid, they are completely different organs in the body.
The parathyroid glands,you have 4 of them, are called this because they sit in behind the thyroid gland.