View Full Version : Scared of aneurysm

19-05-16, 22:06
Ok, I've had a pain in my head, sometimes it's waking, sometimes it's middle of day. Breathing can cause it to hurt sometimes. It's pretty mild, and sometimes seems to be forehead or above eyes. Sometimes back of head, or temples. I also have a headache when I burp. Now, I do have some sinus symptoms, generally. Like red itchy face, and stuff. But, I hit my head over 10 years ago and it knotted, was pretty rough. A few months to a year from that, I had like a 'worst headache ever' but since then never had a headache anything like that. I'm just worried that even though it's mild, it's symptomatic of one, and it freaks me out. I do have some issues with BP even though docs say it's controlled, and hyperventilation etc. And I just worry about it being an issue. No doctor wants to do a scan. Feels like tension sometimes, I'm 24 by the way! But I do hear stories! I also have a head twitch, and my vision is slightly a bit different, though that could be the corneal abrasion from recently. I don't know! It worries me! Also the headaches are come and go! And it's been recent! Though I've had some in the past. Drinking and eating sometimes makes them come, other times, it's not, and I am sometimes dizzy, and also have a neck pain though it's mainly when I move it! It's worrying me!

20-05-16, 22:11

20-05-16, 23:22
My mom had a brain aneurysm and lived to tell the tale.

Hers was asymptomatic until it started to leak, and when it did the pain was intolerable and wouldn't fade. In her hubris she waited an hour or so before going to the ER and the pain just kept increasing until it ruptured. She is tremendously lucky to have survived (and then to have given birth to me).

As a leaking aneurysm would fill your skull with blood and increase intracranial pressure tremendously, it certainly wouldn't be the kind of pain that comes and go.

Aside from that, you wouldn't even feel one. If you did, symptoms would probably be more neurological in nature than headaches (ie. blurred vision, weakness, etc).

21-05-16, 01:04
I have dizziness, sometimes walking is weird, but I'm told it's due to my anxiety, and possibly my ear/sinuses often. Also I have a vision change but that could as said be the corneal abrasion. That said, realistically, they have no reason to check it seems? I just worry, even though I'm told my symptoms are way way more likely to be multiple other things, sinuses, allergies, my anxiety itself. But ya, most of this is come and go and mild, whatever it is. As has been for quite a while! Thanks though, but I still kinda worry!

21-05-16, 21:49
Is it likely that I'm worrying about zebras where there are none of those?

22-05-16, 03:12
My grandma had an aneurysm, and there were warning signs beforehand. But she was very anti-doctor, so had she gone before it may have been caught. Her warning signs were almost stroke-like episodes - she would get extremely dizzy, fall or collapse and not be able to speak, or speak incoherently. The episodes lasted about 20 minutes, some shorter. I don't think you have a need to worry unless you are experiencing symptoms that mimic having a stroke.

22-05-16, 19:13
I think that is what I was tested for. Unless the BP on both arms and CT scan of the neck was for something else when I had my other issues. Either way, I worry that my symptoms are stuff like that but I'm often told they aren't and anxiety can mimic stuff. I mean, they don't seem concerned and I've been to the hospital 10 times this year, but they still like never find anything. And when I specifically bring this up, they tell me no I don't have that, sometimes I ask why and I'm told because I'm not symptomatic. I have had like memory things, as well as some worrying about the way I talk, even though I have had such in the past. It's crazy!

26-05-16, 19:15
I have this fear the right side of my head is painful only sometimes it's mainly through the day on and off its not a typical headache that stays and paracetamol doesn't seem to make it better I have had severe dizziness to the point where I've had to sit down for two full weeks I've only just started going out again although the dizziness is still there is feel so weak all the time the pain hurts sometimes when I swallow which makes me nervous also the ache has started going in right side of nose and ear ect I feel awful but you sound exactly like me I've had pretty nasty bangs to my head including been attacked 8 years ago where it left me with a massive headcahe for a full week it was a male that attacked me and he was punching me in top of my head for a long time also been attacked since then so I know my head must have some damage I'm awaiting a letter for ct scan but they can take months on end