View Full Version : Health scare about pupils

20-05-16, 08:16
Hi everyone,

This is my first post on here. My name is Daniëlle, I'm 21. Please read my story, I need some help. I few weeks ago I suddenly noticed my left pupil is slightly bigger, especially in dim light. I went to a GP (not my own, my own GP was on vacation), he told me he couldn't tell and that everything was fine. Yesterday I went to my own GP, to put my mind at rest. He told me he did see the difference, but that both my pupils react to light perfectly. He told me he didn't think we had to do anything about it, but to put my mind at rest he told me a neurology patient had cancelled that afternoon and that I could go see the neurologist. They did all kinds of little tests (reflexes, walking in a straight line etc.). Everything was fine. She asked me if I knew how long I had this. I told her I didn't know, but it was even visible on my passport (photo was taken 2 years ago). Because he wasn't sure if I had this since I was a child, he told me it'd be wise to do an MRI. I don't really suffer from headaches. I have a headache and dizziness rght now, which I think is beacause of stress. I looked at photo's that were taken a longer time ago (even when I was 8) and I'm not sure but it seems that even on those pictures my pupils have always seemed uneven. Maybe I was just born with it, but I am so scared they're gonna find tumors in my head. Please help! :wacko:

20-05-16, 11:30
Hi, I have this too. My left pupil is larger than my right. I noticed it about 9 years ago and got myself into a major panic. (I have health anxiety).

I went to the opticians who did all kinds of tests and said that as my pupils were reacting normally to light that it was'nt really cause for concern. She said that I could have been born with it and only just noticed it or it could be hormonal.

I have blue eyes and apparently it's more common in blue eyed people. My grandson and my son also have the same thing. They both have blue eyes. Hope this has helped.

22-05-16, 16:34
Hi there, I remember worrying about my partners eyes his were are should I still like this and have been for year's and year's just his genetic make up I guess