View Full Version : I'm so overwhelmed and tired of this hypoglycaemia anxiety

20-05-16, 14:36
Hi guys,

I'm so tired of feeling horrible and always on edge. :(
About three weeks ago one day I didn't eat breakfast. I woke up late and my family was going out for lunch. At the restaurant I started to feel very uneasy, anxious, and panicky. I felt a bit dizzy and just that feeling where you get brain fog and you're stuck in your own mind. It felt like I was going to pass out if I didn't eat. Once I ate I was automatically better.

Now ever since that day three weeks ago I've had the same feeling every morning. And I don't feel 100% until about after lunch. I sometimes get it before dinner too but I hate it because it makes me over eat and I've been gaining weight because of it.

I THINK it's all anxiety but I don't know. :( I was reading that it takes 10-15 minutes for your blood sugar to go back up after eating but mine seems to go away as soon as I start eating. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm so overwhelmed and tired and just fed up with feeling this way. Every single morning I begin by gagging and then the anxiety just builds up from there. It seriously sucks and I've never been in a stump like this with anxiety before. My symptoms usually go away after a couple days. :(

---------- Post added at 09:36 ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 ----------

On top of all of this about an hour after I eat I get this gassy feeling in my stomach. But it feels different than usual. It very dull and not that painful but happens every day. Maybe I have something related to a stomach problem. :(

20-05-16, 14:45

Yep, it does sound like anxiety is now driving your physical stuff.

It sounds as if you have been affected by that experience of having missed breakfast, therefore had low blood sugars (VERY common, and nothing to be worried about...it doesn't mean you are diabetic or going to be) and that made you feel woozy and unwell.

I think that horrible feeling has left it's mark, and hence you are kind of expecting to feel unwell, so it is self-perpetuating. This is very common with anxiety, and incredible just what a physical impact being worried can have.

Your stomach issue also sounds like it could be anxiety driven. It doesn't take much for the gastro system to be put off balance.

Try not to worry about this. I wake up every morning feeling sick and grotty, and until I have a cup of tea and something to eat, I feel awful. x:hugs:

20-05-16, 14:51
Hello Debs,

I really appreciate your reply. It was so kind xx
I definitely agree with you, it's that one experience that's putting me to the edge. I keep telling myself not to think about it but I can't help myself sometimes :(

It's crazy how anxiety can cause these physical symptoms and they always seem worse in the morning.

Thank you again, Deb :hugs:

20-05-16, 20:50
Keep snacks on hand.

20-05-16, 22:39
Hi Jen,

I too feel awful when I leave it too long until I eat. Last year at some point I got really dizzy and weird feeling, which disappeared as soon as I had a block of chocolate. But, this terrified me! Especially since I was stuck in disordered eating and hungry most of the time anyway! So, whenever I got hungry I would get even more anxious because I was scared of feeling like that again.

A year later, I still get this if I miss a meal but it doesn't stress me out because I'm not scared of it. It's easily fixed! I was flying back from my holiday last week and because I was up at 4am and didn't want to eat breakfast then, I didn't eat anything except half a peanut butter sandwich until I got home at 12pm, and trust me I felt rough. Every time I took a step I felt like I was swaying and I felt weak and dizzy. I was also late taking my medication which probably didn't help, and I was lacking sleep! BUT, it didn't make me feel anxious because I understood why my body felt the way it did, and it wouldn't last forever. After a good lunch, taking my medication and then a good nights sleep, I felt human again.

I know how hard it is to feel comfortable with your body when you're so anxious, but if you start to understand why it acts the way it does, it makes it a lot less scary. :)