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20-05-16, 14:41
What does it mean when the GP surgery sends out a letter saying you need to make a 'non urgent GP phone consultation' after you've had a tests/investigations done?

20-05-16, 14:45
That they want to discuss the results with you but that it's not urgent, honestly don't worry about that, easier said than done i know. But i've had that before for normal results because i was worried about them, and also for something of nothing x

20-05-16, 14:57
That they want to discuss the results with you but that it's not urgent, honestly don't worry about that, easier said than done i know. But i've had that before for normal results because i was worried about them, and also for something of nothing x

Thanks for responding.

What constitutes 'non urgent' though? Keep thinking the big C :weep:

20-05-16, 15:11
Thanks for responding.

What constitutes 'non urgent' though? Keep thinking the big C :weep:

The definition of "urgent" is:

1. compelling or requiring immediate action or attention; imperative; pressing: an urgent matter.

"non" - urgent is the complete opposite of that.

How can you associate non-urgent with cancer? :huh:

Positive thoughts

Gary A
20-05-16, 15:25
Thanks for responding.

What constitutes 'non urgent' though? Keep thinking the big C :weep:

Dearie me. Non-urgent, as in "no hurry", "call whenever", "not a big deal", that type of thing. You honestly think they would tell you to take your time if they thought you had cancer?

20-05-16, 16:02
A Non-urgent phone consultation is nothing to worry about.

It can mean something like a result that you need to know about, but something that is highly treatable through meds or other means....no big deal.

I had a phone consultation last year, and like you I was worried. It was after having had hip x-rays and a lot of hip pain. All I was told was I had sacroillitis and a lumbar spine abnormality and would be referred for physio to treat it.

These kind of consultations are NOT anything sinister. They would not be doing that over the phone, and not be deeming it 'non-urgent'. Try to think rationally about this, though I know it is hard. x