View Full Version : Night sweats

20-05-16, 16:29
This has been happening on and off for a few months.

It seems to happen mostly when I'm really tired and in a deep sleep, I know I'm in a deep sleep before it happens because I'm a ****** and turner usually but when these happen they are usually the times I'm so exhausted from not sleeping well the night before that I pretty much just stay in the same position all night.

The sweat stains my bedding a little but doesn't soak it. I don't need to change the bedding. My head and the bits not under the duvet don't sweat but my legs and stomach get quite wet.

When do I need to worry? I have a thin duvet but a thick winter duvet cover which I'm going to swap tonight to a thinner one.

I have no other signs of cancer, no weight loss etc. I don't have any symptoms of any other illnesses.

If the duvet cover doesn't change would I be wrong just to mention it at my next routine appointment instead of making one specifically for that? I don't want to go in if it can wait a while. I am trying not to go to the GP for any little thing but don't want to go the other way either.

20-05-16, 16:32
Night sweats due to cancer are literally soaking, wring the sheets out sweats.

Positive thoughts

20-05-16, 16:47
Hi Hypo, I also have night sweats regularly but when I mentioned it to my doctor he said it is most likely due to anxiety. Most definitely use the lighter duvet and see if it makes a difference. If you have been seeing a GP regularly and have had testing done and the results are ok, then you can mention it at your next appointment. In any case, do whatever makes you feel more comfortable.

20-05-16, 17:26
Are you female? How old are you?

20-05-16, 17:41
Im female. 35.

Thanks everyone. I will mention it at my next med check.

I haven't had my blood checked in a while but I don't have any of the other symptoms of any of the nasty things it could be, so I'm trying to be logical but don't want to go too far in the other direction.