View Full Version : Dr put me on lexapro :(

20-05-16, 20:03
I didn't want to be on meds to take every day. I just need a push to get through hard events. Like my sisters graduation and recitals and date night. We want to have. Baby soon and I didn't want to be on something like that. I don't want to put the baby on hold and my dr knows I'm not on any birth control. Idk if I should take it since she thinks it will help or see another dr. She did rexommend me to a therapist but idk if that would really help. I know a lot of relaxation techniques and ways to cope and they don't help could a therapist teach me anything new?

20-05-16, 20:29
I believe therapy is always a good move. For all the coping skills in the world, sometimes it's just nice to have someone you can be open with and just talk to.

As for the medication...my doctor immediately put me on Lexapro too, but at a super low dose because he wasn't 100% sure what I needed. He then referred me to a psychiatrist. Is there any way you can get a referral? They would know more.

There are things you can take just as-needed, but there are pros and cons to those as well and I really think someone (like a psych) well versed in the different meds would be best.

FWIW, I too thought I only needed something short-term. After going to the psychiatrist, I realized I was also suffering from depression and that my anxiety was far more constant than even I was willing to admit to myself. I'm early on in my journey for sure but no worse for the wear from the Lexapro.

21-05-16, 03:08
My husband and I talked and I'm not going to take them. I have come along way and trying to conceive soon just doesn't make sense. I would have to go off them as soon as I knew I was Prego. Just doesn't seem like the right thing to do.

21-05-16, 04:55
Of course that is your choice, and it seems you've made a sound one.

Based on your post history, though, I wouldn't sit by and do absolutely nothing. I think therapy would be a good place to start. And is it possible to get a psychiatrist referral? There may be something helpful that won't be harmful during pregnancy -- I'm not trying to conceive so I don't know.

I just say that because you seem to imply here your anxiety is totally situational, but based on posts you have a lot of anxiety across the board. Which, by the way, is exactly how I was. I thought I needed something just for 'right now' until the anxiety spells passed....until I realized that my anxiety had been pretty bad for MUCH longer than I was willing to admit, and I'd been fighting depression too.

21-05-16, 05:20
Studies are conflicting in pregnancy with some of these meds so it will be important to seek specialist medical advice there. We have some NICE guidelines over here that tak about some of this. Be aware that it does talk about risks of abortion and specific impacts on babies...some may find that triggering:


21-05-16, 16:52
That's why I prefer to stay off meds. With my anxiety being pregnant again will be hard enough I don't want to worry about any problems medicine will cause. With looking for a new house and everything that is going on I want a clear head. I'm trying to tell myself that once we move i will leave my nerves in this house and start over, I don't know how well it will work but dammit in gonna try!