View Full Version : Midwife has put fear of God in me about my heart

12-03-07, 19:24

Went to see the midwife today, she took my blood pressure which was fine but my pulse rate was 95. I asked her if this was fast and she said anything between 60 and 100 is normal. I told her I get palpatations and she said I have to see the Doc about getting an ECG. I told her I had one back in October, which came back as fine.

I told her when I wake my pulse feels slower but all day it seems to be much faster. What should I do, I now think Ive got a problem with my heart.

Why does my heart pump this quickly all day long? Should I try and get another ECG or another test. Please help Im really worried.

Thanks - Liz xx

12-03-07, 19:36
I know that everyone's heartrate drops while they are sleeping. One reason you think yours is extra fast could be because you are thinking about it and then get anxious which increases your heartrate. It's a cycle and it sux bad!!!! Sorry that you are feeling this way right now. Just know that alot of us have gone thru the same thing and we all lived to tell about it and so will you:hugs:
Hope you feel better real soon!!!

12-03-07, 21:22
I wouldn't worry, 95 is fine. Gosh when I went to hospital lasts year it was 130!!!

Palpatations during pregnancy are totally normal. How far into your pregnancy are you? with my 2nd child I had them all the time, honestly it must of been about 30x a day, thats the truth, it scared me but I told my midwife and she said it was normal. They soon settled down.

Your heartrate is bound to be faster when you are pregnant, think of all that extra blood and pressure you have on your body growing your little one. I am sure you are ok.

12-03-07, 22:01

I think she was reassuring you rather than scaring you.

She suggested it for your peace of mind that is all.