View Full Version : Chest/jaw pain during exertion

20-05-16, 20:46
Hey all, I made a post a few weeks ago about chest tightness when I had to run outside to take the trash out.

Well similar situation just happened, I had to run outside to meet the trash man with a trashbag, my yard is pretty big so it's quite the sprint

When I got back in my house my chest and jaw felt tight and kinda hurt, there was also a sort of cold feeling as well. It subsided after maybe 30-60 seconds

Of course I've been googling and chest and jaw pain while exerting yourself is a sign of stable angina, so seeing that alone made me quite uneasy.

But here's some better context for the situation

I had just eaten a McDonald's McChicken sandwitch before I ran outside.

My jaw/face has been hurting for five days because I basically bit a hole in the side of my cheek from my clenching my uneven bite in my sleep.

The humidity outside is 70% right now, and I usually have a tougher time breathing when it's humid out(my chest (lungs?) hurt)

When i do my jumping jack workout in my bedroom I don't experience any of the pain or tightness in my jaw or chest, I do 15-17 jumping jacks in ten seconds, then side-step back and forth for ten seconds, for ten minutes. It's a pretty exertive workout.

So I'm really puzzled about what caused that sensation. Indigestion from the mcchicken? The humidity? Or does it sound like it could be something sinister? Has anyone else felt anything like this before?

20-05-16, 22:43
I don't think it sounds like anything bad. Do you think it could be that maybe you are reading too much into it because of your health anxiety? I get pains when I lift heavy bags too because I am small. I think that's normal. I experience a lot of tightness in my chest daily etc. and I think it is due to anxiety. I don't think you need to worry.

21-05-16, 21:12
Thanks you're probably right. Idk why I lsomtimes let those little things bother me. I should know better by now. I always feel dumb afterwards

21-05-16, 22:00
Don't be DR googling. My doctors all told me DR Google is no good. So many other factors and everyone is different. That and there is a ton of good information online also twice as much wrong/useless information online.

I feel and will always feel DR Google is bad for anxeity suffer's. I think it's what started my anxeity.