View Full Version : dont think i can take anymore

21-05-16, 14:59
as u can probly see from my previous posts im a wreck at the moment

im now back on mirtazapine and had a strange heart episode again earlier so im back to being convinced itl prolong my qt

i also have had a chest infection for 5 weeks had one lot amoxicillin 500 and now on doxycyline but i woke this morning i could barely breathe i have astma anyway but im ridiculously breathless
so iv freaked im desperate to go to urgent care as im scared its a clot on lung but my husband has had enough

im TERRIFIED i feel awful

21-05-16, 19:23
Sending a hug your way! I know how hard it is.

21-05-16, 20:17
thank you so much
my breathing feels awful normally i would of gone hospital but i didnt and it petryfying me :(

21-05-16, 20:36
Do you think that your state of deep worry could be causing your breathing issues?

At my worst, my breathing didn't feel right. Normally we breathe subconsciously, but when anxious, it becomes a focused and deliberate task and it can start to feel strange to us. Even now, I sonetines get off sensations in my breathing.

Breathing can be at the heart of a lot of what we feel. I would suggest trying to distract yourself and to stop worrying about the feeling. All anxiety feelings are temporary and will eventually cease when the anxiety response ends.

22-05-16, 11:56
today i woke and my breathing was a bit better ( scares me for some reason to admit that)
my heart feels odd but this morning i sat in car whilst my husband walked around a bootfair the whole time thinking iv got a clot and im going to drop dead or i have myocarditis and im going to drop dead really freaking
i came home sat on the doorstep and just thought i cant do this anymore
i cut the grass in the front garden went into back garden and done the same saw to my plants its so hard to try and tell yourself nothing is wrong because your head in screaming but what if trying to tell myself im not physchic i dont no im going to drop dead i just feel like im going to