View Full Version : Cervical Radiculopathy

22-05-16, 08:08
Hi all i was diagnosed of cervical radiculopathy just want to know if anyone can relate and what was your symptoms thanks

22-05-16, 14:17
I guess no one seems to encounter same diagnosis well thanks to those who bother to read

22-05-16, 21:45
it's about the compression of the spinal nerv, specifically the narrowing of the spinal canal.you probably suffer debilitating neck and arm pain, one or both arms.i have a herniated cervical disc and 2 herniated lumbar discs, i get leg and back pain, i try not to lift weights, to wear confortable shoes, etc.hope it hepls.best of luck

22-05-16, 22:16
I have a prolapsed cervical disc at c5/6 diagnosed 15 years ago. My symptoms are many and varied from vertigo to face/head/scalp/arm and finger pain. Strange sensations in head/face area ( tingling, crawling) If I use my arms for more than 10 mins i get severe ache between shoulder blades which is very restrictive.

sometimes arm pan with neck disc problems can be excruitiating and also numbness as well- hopefully your pain is bearable.

23-05-16, 08:33
Thankyou rbm and countrygirl, i have upperback pain and chest and it hurts to breath sometimes plus limitation of movement in arms and shoulder blade