View Full Version : trying to fight back so confused

22-05-16, 14:40
im reached a point where i can only try desperatly to fight this iv spent the afternoon listening to podcasts
alot of people say the way to stop obsessing over health is to ignore the symptoms...

i just cant get my mind round this my main symptoms or worries are normally related to sudden death
at the moment im convinced i have a dvt or something i just feel death
i would normally be at hospital by now but im trying so hard not to go
but i do feel like omg im risking my life!

has anyone ever overcome health anxiety
id be happy even if i could get to a place i dont spend day in massive attacks

22-05-16, 15:38
I was like you not so long ago and i honestly don't know, i do think some people can beat this stuff, i haven't but i have got better control over it now and don't need to rush to the hospital every time i get the slightest symptom. As to the way you're trying to fight it i really don't know, for me i guess after years of it i just became tired of it and started caring less i know that doesn't exactly help but it's all I've got.

22-05-16, 15:50
has anyone ever overcome health anxiety
id be happy even if i could get to a place i dont spend day in massive attacks

Many, many, many have. Read the Success Stories (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=20) section of the forum. There's a FB page of former members who are in recovery. The page is about getting better and is monitored to prevent reassurance seeking. So yes, recovery is possible but as anyone who's reached that point will tell you, it takes work and persistence.

Positive thoughts

22-05-16, 18:19
I haven't overcome anxiety, but I've overcome the health aspect. I can say 100% I have overcome health anxiety and now feel the same about my health as I did before anxiety. I react to physical feelings the way I did before anxiety. It can come back if it wants to. I genuinely don't care.

It's hard for me to say exactly how I got to this point. Therapy and medication have been a great help to me, but they're not the be all and end all. I do know that it took a conscious decision to accept what the doctors were telling me and to let it reassure me. I also vowed to give myself an easier ride and not beat myself up if I felt things getting too much. I also began to distract myself and re-engage with the world outside my head.

It's not easy and there's no magic solution. But if you're prepared to seek help, to help yourself and accept the grotty stuff when it hits, you can move on from health anxiety.