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View Full Version : Feeling tortured! Convinced I have a brain tumour.

22-05-16, 14:59
Every morning for 2-3 weeks (think it's closer to the 3 week mark) I have this awful headache. It was so bad that I couldn't get out of bed for my 4 year old and my 8 week old and my partner needed to have a day of work.

The headache didn't get any better even after 60mg of codeine and 500mg of paracetamol and by 9 pm my eye had swollen up, was tearing and I was in so much agony, I rushed to A&E.

At A&E the doctor said I had sinusitis despite me saying that I haven't had any cold like symptoms and it doesn't feel like sinusitis. Sent home with anti biotic and the swelling went down within two days however the headache is still there!

Went back to the doctors concerned and she thinks it's migraines but migraines as far as I know are not persistent. I have this dull pressure behind my left eye constantly and my vision blurs on the left side also. My left side of my face goes numb as well.

If my bloods, eye test and medication all comes back normal, I'm being referred to a neurologist as the doctor was fairly concerned.

Last night I found under my armpits were tender and swollen which is me thinking infection and perhaps sinusitis after all but if so why haven't the headaches gone.

Anyone be of any help?
I'm terrified.

22-05-16, 18:27
You're being referred to a neurologist, so you're going to the right place in terms of being investigated and diagnosed. I'm sure everything will turn out fine. It sounds to me like your doctor can't think of any other way to reassure you.

Firstly, I've had and possibly still have sinusitis. I had a CT scan in February and an MRI scan in March. Both showed quite heavy sinusitis. This was the first I knew of it. Sinusitis can be asymptomatic and doesn't always come with cold-like symptoms, so you could easily have sinusitis.

The description you give of your headache does sound like migraines to me. Migraines can indeed be persistent, but so can headaches. If you're anxious, you can prolong a headache indefinitely as you carry so much tension in the muscles of your head and neck. I've been there and felt everything you describe, I really have. It can all be caused by stress and anxiety, so do try not to worry. They say there's no magic cure for anxiety, but relaxation and stopping worrying are the closest things to one in my view.

23-05-16, 04:59
I woke up with severe headaches for weeks. They would last for hours after I awoke and OTC meds barely took the edge off. I got a night guard for my teeth and the headaches went away almost overnight. Turns out the stress of my HA was causing me to grind my teeth at night.

Hang in there and let us know how the neuro appt goes!

23-05-16, 05:38
Your symptoms do sound like migraines. Also, migraines can be recurring or persistent. Usually they are one sided and cause visual problems (like your headache).

Brain tumors are an orphan disease - meaning they are very rare. You are extremely unlikely to have one! I have a feeling that you may start to feel better once you believe that you are indeed healthy and tumor free. Headaches are exacerbated by anxiety and you may be feeding your headaches by constantly thinking the very worst. You have been examined by a professional and are currently in their care, so you are heading in the right direction.

I had headaches that lasted 8 months. Started off as sinus headaches and then turned into tension headaches that were pretty much persistent. The headaches were caused by anxiety. Once I convinced myself I was fine (which took a while!!) They went away themselves :)

23-05-16, 13:59
Been there; done that. Do yourself two favours: avoid Google, and accpe that anxiety can cause almost anything. Not only cause it, but keep it going. Anxiety isn't a catch-all excuse for weaklings so that they can get sympathy - it's a real and dreadful condition. I used to worry just as you do - but so much time has passed since I first worried about brain tumours and ran off to the doctor's six years ago that I would not only be dead, but thoroughly decomposed by now had that been the case. Best wishes.

04-06-16, 06:57
Ah thank you all for your replies.

I had a CT scan done and it confirmed I have a very severe sinus infection, everythings blocked and infected. They said they may need to operate, need to take daily antibiotics to see if that will work.

Feeling a lot better in myself, knowing that it is nothing more sinister. :)

04-06-16, 09:32
That's great. Recently got the relief of having a clean MRI myself.

It's amazing how much better you feel. Pleased for you.

04-06-16, 23:49
Awesome.. Glad it wasnt anything sinister.. Let us know how it goes.

11-06-16, 09:58
Thank you all for the support when I wasn't thinking rationally.

I'm still suffering from sinusitis, so operation looks like the way forward which is a worry for me due to a very bad experience at the hospital (they cut an artery during a routine appendix removal) but I'm going to just go in and take it easy :)

11-06-16, 10:08
Thank you all for the support when I wasn't thinking rationally.

I'm still suffering from sinusitis, so operation looks like the way forward which is a worry for me due to a very bad experience at the hospital (they cut an artery during a routine appendix removal) but I'm going to just go in and take it easy :)

Have you tried NeilMed Sinus Rinse ? I use it often. Make sure to use distilled water and not tap water.

11-06-16, 20:17
Glad they have got to the bottom of what was causing your symptoms. I was guessing very bad infection or abcess as I know someone who had sinus abcess and they were very like you were. Antibiotics eventually cleared theirs up without an operation so fingers crossed they work for you as well.
He said it was the most painful thing he had ever had and he was literally banging his head against the wall:scared15:

If you do end up having an operation then you will know that you have no choice but to have one as not having one would be even worse and most operations go fine, its a shame you had a bad experience but it is fairly rare occurance. x

11-06-16, 20:35
Actually I haven't tried that.
I'll pop to the chemist tomorrow and grab some, I tried doing my own slat water solution but it didn't really help.