View Full Version : feeling rotten

12-03-07, 22:22
its weird. there is always one day a week that i feel god damn rotten! and its mostly monday-friday! i dont know what to blame it on,but i think it could be family =S my little sister has trichotillomania and anxiety and its very hard to cope with - expecially seeing as i share a room with her! and as i get away from the house to see my boyfriend at the weekends i always seem to feel on top of the world!

but today i have felt soo soo rotten. woke up feeling fine and when i got to school i got reallly really tired!! sore head,sore stomach,feeling naseaous,down. and whenever i feel a tad bit out of the ordinary i freak out - as i have emetaphobia - i dont suffer anxiety or panic attacks but it makes me wonder whether i am actually ill! aw its awful =[ im sure many other people who suffer this know how i feel. you start to wonder whether a slight pain in the tummy is going to be a tummy bug!

but today i've felt different - really run down,no appetite - just generally lousy.

just wondering whether this could be releated at all to what is going on in my family life? i am also in the process of interviews for college and uni which is a HUGE step...could feeling this way be something to do with the major changes in my life? or just because im a natural worrier :)

claire xxx

12-03-07, 22:24
oh and also i have had a bladder infection =[ not gooood at all!!!!!!!!