View Full Version : CSF Leak?

23-05-16, 12:51
I've posted before about my headaches.... and lately I've also had some vision changes and other issues... Yet my MRI came back clear. I had a spinal tap back in January and my headaches started about a month after that but I never really connected the two.

Last night my nose got really plugged but only on the left side and it wouldn't transition to the other nostril even if I were to lay on my right side. It also dripped. It was clear and had a salty taste like tears. It went away after about 30 minutes even though I did nothing and it came back again shortly after. It left again and had came back by the time I woke up this morning. Now it is still there but not as bad. Before I couldn't even breathe through it at all and I can now.

I've read stories of people that have had a CSF leak and they went years before a proper diagnoses. Some of course did not or got meningitis soon after symptoms appeared. Some cases develop very slowly and others fast. A lot of the times MRI and other imaging devices don't find the leak.

Today I also had a very salty taste in my mouth that lasted for a few hours for no reason.

I'm just wondering if anyone has had this or dealt with it and would know. The snot did create bubbles when I blew a few times and the dripping it did wasn't overly bad.

---------- Post added at 04:51 ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 ----------

Please help....

24-05-16, 00:23

24-05-16, 11:01
Seriously? I thought this whole website was about helping people... and I am really scared but don't want to go to the hospital because of obvious reasons. My headache is now really bad after straining.

24-05-16, 12:51
CSF leaks are a one in 50K plus occurrence typically due to trauma. A spinal tap done by medical professionals close to 6 months ago doesn't constitute trauma.

Positive thoughts

26-05-16, 09:33
over the last 3 days i have had leaking from my nose on 3 seperate occasions it just came flying out before i could react. but most likely it'll be sinus issues , if it was more to do with your brain you would probably feel a lot worse

22-09-16, 22:25
I initially thought my nasal leak was sinus related and tried lots of meds to stop the runny nose, which was eventually diagnosed as a CSF leak. I researched it online and was able and prepared to go anywhere in the world for resolution.
As I researched and read horror story after horror after horror story. my path was unclear. the condition is rare and very often re-curs at least from my research. I was afraid because there seemed to be no complete answer anywhere. So I slept sitting up for a year, and lied about my "sinus" problem whenever I went out because "You don't want to tell people that you have brain fluid leaking" it sounds BAD..... Anyways It ran into my lungs and caused pneumonia and my Doctor eventually sent me to Emergency at St Joseph/Barrow Neurological Hospital in Phoenix AZ. I was instructed to have the ER Dr. call him... They kept me and performed a 5 hour surgery eventually and I have been symptom free for 18 months now. They put a shunt in my spine and lowered the spinal fluid and injected dye in my head around the dura
and went up my nose endoscopically and repaired the leak using tissue and glue I am told! I had Neurosurgeon standing by and a GREAT ENT surgeon do the job. The Dr's claim it was no big deal and they "do them all the time" I just wish I had seen this kind of success story on-line instead of going thru hell for 1and1/2 years. I am including contact info for Dr's. John M. Milligan M.D Otolarynology 480-948-2056 and Dr. Andrew Little MD NeuroSurgeon 602-406-3181. I could not have been in better hands. Good Luck and I hope this helps someone and perhaps saves someones life.

---------- Post added at 14:25 ---------- Previous post was at 14:23 ----------

I initially thought my nasal leak was sinus related and tried lots of meds to stop the runny nose, which was eventually diagnosed as a CSF leak. I researched it online and was able and prepared to go anywhere in the world for resolution.
As I researched and read horror story after horror after horror story. my path was unclear. the condition is rare and very often re-curs at least from my research. I was afraid because there seemed to be no complete answer anywhere. So I slept sitting up for a year, and lied about my "sinus" problem whenever I went out because "You don't want to tell people that you have brain fluid leaking" it sounds BAD..... Anyways It ran into my lungs and caused pneumonia and my Doctor eventually sent me to Emergency at St Joseph/Barrow Neurological Hospital in Phoenix AZ. I was instructed to have the ER Dr. call him... They kept me and performed a 5 hour surgery eventually and I have been symptom free for 18 months now. They put a shunt in my spine and lowered the spinal fluid and injected dye in my head around the dura
and went up my nose endoscopically and repaired the leak using tissue and glue I am told! I had Neurosurgeon standing by and a GREAT ENT surgeon do the job. The Dr's claim it was no big deal and they "do them all the time" I just wish I had seen this kind of success story on-line instead of going thru hell for 1and1/2 years. I am including contact info for Dr's. John M. Milligan M.D Otolarynology 480-948-2056 and Dr. Andrew Little MD NeuroSurgeon 602-406-3181. I could not have been in better hands. Good Luck and I hope this helps someone and perhaps saves someones life.