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23-05-16, 10:40
i had to have some blood tests
can anyone he me calm down

my fibrinogen level was 5.4 meant to be under 4.7 - googled like an idiot and it says it can make u create blood clots!

also my c reactive protein came back at 22 ... meant to be under 10! - i googled this too and it has loads of causes but it says if this and fribrinogen raised it strong indicator or heart attack!

my white blood count was also raised
and prothombin time
acd partial throm
apt ratio
and automated eos count!

iv got doctors this afternoon but what iv read online iv scared the crap out mysef :( anyoneknow about it im 25f

23-05-16, 16:38
Hopefully you've been to the doctor now and can tell us what the outcome was. However, there are a few things I would say.

1) It's clear that you are extremely worried and I'd love to help you, but there's a limit to what any of us - mostly fellow anxiety sufferers - can do.

2) Without expert knowledge, asking us to help interpret your blood results, especially in the frantic way you've posted them, is pretty much impossible.

3) Despite Google's dire warnings, it can't interpret your results either. It knows nothing about you and with enough research would only contradict itself anyway. Avoid Google.

4) You also can't interpret the results, so don't try to. I have blood test results at home. My doctor wasn't worried about them and that was enough for me. Waiting is always hard, but do let your doctor explain what needs to be explained. Leave it to the experts.

5) It's virtually unheard of for 25 year old females to have heart attacks. Even vastly overweight women in their 20s rarely just drop dead like that. The ones that do usually have a congenital defect, but these are rare too. You're probably fine. But you do have some control over your heart health, in what you eat and what you do. Bear that in mind.

Anyway, hopefully your doctor has helped reassure you by now. All the best.

23-05-16, 16:48
thank you very much for replying
I know i cant expect anyone to intepret results i think when i get in such a state i just write to get it off my chest
well iv seen my doc he went threw results and although i was originally told theyd need to be repeated in a week he said he didnt think they did
he said althought raised they not massiivly raised and like crp raised for uncountable amount of reasons ( iv had chest infection for 5 weeks)
i feel a little wary because he doesnt want them repeated next week but i guess thats just health anxiety i guess
thank u for replying

23-05-16, 17:06
All I would say to you is that you need to trust your doctor's professional opinion. What else can you do? If he feels happy with what he's seen then that's enough. Him not wanting to do it again is good news.

23-05-16, 19:45
If you were a middle aged man and your levels of crp and fibrinogen were very raised then mmm the Dr would have taken it seriously because it would have indicated that your arteries were a bit iffy:) but you are not a middle aged man.

If you have had a chest infection for 5 weeks then raised crp is to be expected, I imagine if they had done esr test that would also have been raised as this is what happens when you have infection.

Be very reassured by your dr.

24-05-16, 07:20
thank you i dont think my esr was done but he didnt seem worried so i guess i need to let it go