View Full Version : Sore throat left side only when swallowing

23-05-16, 12:37
Since Thursday I've had a site throat on the left side when I swallow, I read somewhere that if you have this it is serious but another site said it's very common? Had anyone else suffered with this?

23-05-16, 12:45
I can't say I've ever been concerned when I've had a one sided site thought to check into it. I've had it before when some food has scratched my throat and other times and after a day or so they tend to go. Even eating too many crisps the night before has done it to me in the past.

Could it be something like that or have you had a cold?

23-05-16, 13:00
You read "somewhere" and "another site said" - seriously, ask a doctor.

23-05-16, 13:32
I have learned the hard way, not to look up your symptoms on the Internet.
Coming from someone who suffers from general and health anxiety, and has spent hours online diagnosing herself, don't look into it too much online. Google will tell you that you have everything ��

Gary A
23-05-16, 13:51
Most likely tonsillitis or some other mundane throat infection. Could also be absolutely nothing. I don't know where you read that it was a sign of something serious, that's just silly considering the absolute multitude of very benign things that could cause this.

23-05-16, 15:32
I had this in January. Had a 102 temp for a night and I was sick for about three weeks and got a nice ear and sinus infection to go along with it. Didn't go to the doctor and didn't get any antibiotics. Cleaned up on its own. The sore throat lasted all of those three weeks on the same side. Keep a humidifier close, stay hydrated and take asprin. And for god's sake don't freak out if your tonsil swells up, it's supposed to do that.

Unless you have other symptoms though I would just assume you were sleeping with your mouth open, so still, go get a humidifier.