View Full Version : Please help. Severe anxiety/depression/stress symptoms 24/7

23-05-16, 14:58
Hi, everyone. I'm in such a bad place right now. I have been suffering stress/anxiety/panic for the past 3 months which was triggered by meds which caused me to have some sort of nervous breakdown. I'm incredibly scared and suffering horrendous symptoms 24/7. I'm wondering if anyone has been through this and recovered or if anyone is suffering the same and would like to chat.

23-05-16, 17:53
Hi, in going through the same thing as we speak and have been for a few weeks , I know it's hard but it does get better in time

Been suffering for 3 years now and this is my third relaps / blip , from the moment I wake to the time I go to bed its with me , doctor has changed my meds today so fingers crossed and put me forward for more cbt

Hope you start to feel better soon

23-05-16, 19:45
Hi thasks for replying, it's really appreciated. I'm sorry you are suffering this as well. I had been stressed and the docs gave me a med which kind of flipped some switch and I had to stop after 3 days. That was the 3rd of March and I've been suffering ever since. I've now been on a new media for just over 7 weeks and I'm seeing much improvement. I have 2 children I need to look after and this is effecting them and my family badly. Can I ask what symptoms you get?

23-05-16, 20:06
I got 3 children and it's far from easy so I know what your going through , I get loads of symptoms and come and go all day long , I was dealing with them but guess life just caught up with me again .

Keep chatting and posting on here as there are a lot of people with great ideas and story's and we have all been there at some point

23-05-16, 20:16
It's a terrible thing for them to witness. My symptoms are constant..they never go away and they become extreme. I have derealisation so have sensitivities with my vision and hearing. My sleep is poor and I vomit every morning. I feel so weak, shaky and lightheaded most of the time and my breathing concerns me a lot.....I have so much more but I'd be here forever. You say this has happened to you 3 times! Can I ask how long each time lasted before you recovered? Right now I feel like I have no hope of recovering. I feel so lost inside myself

23-05-16, 20:33
I have all those symptoms too and trying to work and look after the kids is really hard work and couldn't do it without the support from family and friends ,

Every time is different I'm afraid it all depends what has caused it , medication and lots of self help and I also find that talking helps

This too shall pass

23-05-16, 20:48
I do hope so. I am unable to do much. I'm basically turning agoraphobit

24-05-16, 11:56
No matter how you feel , get up , get dressed , and do the best you can , hard I know but it's the only true way of getting through , the more you avoid it the harder it gets

Are you taking any medication ?

Maybe a cours if Valium will help you short time till you find a way

Stay strong

24-05-16, 12:29
I have an extreme fear of meds as that's what done this to me. I have however been on 20mg fluxotine for just over 7 weeks and they don't seem to be doing anything. I also have lots of diazepam 2mg but they make me feel worse, the anxiety stays but I become really tired and depressed and also feel much worse when they are wearing off

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My cpn doesn't think I'm on the right meds which scares me more. I was really hoping they would work and although people say it can take 12 weeks I'm pretty sure that I should maybe be feeling some kind of effect from them by now

---------- Post added at 12:29 ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 ----------

I do get up and take my kids to school/feed them etc but it's a struggle. I'm pretty much agoraphobic right now. I do try going out, to the shops to take son to school and a walk around the park. I've also been to a few shopping centres but it stresses me out and makes me feel so much worse even though I persistently stay till I do what's needed done. The last time I had to control a panic attack and just continued without running away from it but it sent me into a major depression for over a week

24-05-16, 22:10
Hi , meds have put me in this place twice should have learnt the first time I was 29 at the time lost my dad and doc prescribed anti depressants messed me up so stopped and got through a very rough time fast forward ten years family troubles so couldn't sleep again doc says take citalapram to improve mood and help sleep big mistake for me but others have good results , made me have a breakdown within ten days of starting , couldn't tell the difference between being awake or asleep , hallucinations on waking up , constant shaking shallow breathing couldn't leave the house , lost two stone through not eating at all just sipping water , it did get better but had to take diazepam and zopiclone to get some rest , I've had some good periods since but my life has been pretty bad the last few years so it seems to keep fueling the anxiety , you are doing the right thing in keep trying to carry on with your normal routine just try not to push yourself to hard , family life can be exhausting and I'd like to say when they grow up its easier but as a parent there will always be problems to sort out , take care .

24-05-16, 23:00
Thank you. I cannot believe the problems it has caused! It's left me in the position where I now need meds to ease this up a little so I can start working on recovery. I have my psychiatrist next week for the 1st time and he's been working with my cpn. Both reckon I'm on the wrong meds and I'm now terrified of starting over considering it was meds that done this to me. I don't feel I can do it without atm though so I'm in a really bad position. Wish me luck!!! Thanks for your reply and I hope things get better for you soon x

25-05-16, 08:26
For some people SSRIs can just make everything a lot worse but you find that out the hard way! They are certainly not essential for recovery.

25-05-16, 09:49
Hi Pulisa. My cpn is great, I always leave feel a little more optimistic, just wish it would last. I've got my first psychiatrist appointment nexterm week and my cpn is working with him. Both reckon I need meds atm as a crutch to support me with recovery. Both have had a discussion about Mr and reckon because I have aspergers (although not bad) that the way I'm wired I may need that help to kick start my recovery. I do hope it's true as I've got myself into such a state that it's extremely difficult to live each day. Anyway they are going to work on a plan of action next week so fingers crossed x

28-05-16, 13:17
I've had this twice dealing with seroxat going on and withdrawing. It feels like the drugs rattles your nervous system and takes a while to settle. It's a hard one to navigate and decide what to do. I will never take another anti depressant after I'm off this last bit of liquid seroxat withdrawal.

I do take pregablin which has a quicker effect though.