View Full Version : Good days/bad days and how to stay strong

23-05-16, 17:57
Well I've had just under a week of feeling really good and I honestly thought that maybe, just maybe, I was finally on the road to recovery. Then yesterday I woke up with the old anxious feelings again and it has continued in that vein for two days now; feeling anxious, shaky, appetite gone again, poor sleep, brain fog... well, you know the rest..

I try to remain positive - this has happened before and I've come out of it and had good days again - but not knowing what tomorrow is going to bring is horrible, I just want to get back to how I was before this "thing" attacked me and caused me so much pain and heartache. Why did it pick on me? What have I done to deserve this? Will I ever get well again?

I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself so I apologise for the stupid rant but if anyone has any tips on staying strong and keeping the faith I'd sure like to know. :weep::weep::weep:

23-05-16, 18:05
I'm only on day 8 but I can't wait to feel myself again if u get any advice plz pass it on good luck and I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day for u

23-05-16, 18:07
Hi Mojo. I am sorry for you because I suffer a lot with what you have just described and have done for years. Like you I have times when I am fine and think I am over 'it' then wham.... back like a bad smell for no apparent reason. I can't honestly give much advice as I've tried so many things over the years. I just keep reminding myself that this will pass because it has before. Coming on here helps. Just reading how other people are and have experienced the same thing, giving some support to others. Keeping hydrated seems to help. Right now I have laryngitis and have been ill for about a week with flu. I felt I was getting over it but this last hour or so my legs are extremely weak. This happens to me a lot..... It can be brought on by sugar dip if I haven't eaten, or by tiredness or a panic attack coming on. I feel shaky also and have just eaten so don't know why exactly I have this weakness. An hour ago I felt great and was moving furniture around in my bedroom. Now I'm on the sofa, exhausted, weak legs, rumbly gurgly tummy, anxious and a bit weepy. Its horrible :-(

23-05-16, 18:14
Thank you ladies.

Nikita, are you on meds?

23-05-16, 19:28
Mojo I am just on Antenol for high blood pressure 25g. Been on them since age 30 (15yrs) since Pre-eclampsia with pregnancies. Also at moment on antibiotics for laryngitis. occasionally take xanax when have anxiety

23-05-16, 20:06
Oh Mojo i was only posting yesterday that i was at almost 7 week mark and that i had had a great weekend and at times my old self was back.. However today feel blumming dreadful just like you describe! Like you say no reason at all:( trying not to let it get me down but feel so rough. Headache, pain in arms neck shoulders. Cant get a satisfying breath.. Why why us???? ive kept busy all day but exhausted now. We have to remain strong i guess but its so hard! Hugs all round xx

23-05-16, 22:25
I am in the same boat! Had horrible day yesterday and today I almost felt normal. This is a good thing all. It means the meds are starting to work for all of us. The good mins, hours, half day, days, weeks that we are starting to get will hopefully in the next couple of weeks be more consistent and we will have more good days then bad days. Its a good sign! Its just when we have the bad days now we feel way worse, because we were feeling better and we are trying to trust that the medicine will work! You all sound better then you did a couple of weeks ago. I think once we hit close to that 12 week mark were going to be saying we are have more better days then bad.

---------- Post added at 21:25 ---------- Previous post was at 21:19 ----------

Mojo I am just on Antenol for high blood pressure 25g. Been on them since age 30 (15yrs) since Pre-eclampsia with pregnancies. Also at moment on antibiotics for laryngitis. occasionally take xanax when have anxiety

Have you tried any anti-depressants before? If not they maybe helpful for you.

23-05-16, 22:38
Hey Mojo61 - Hang in there friend. You do sound like you're on the mend. You said you had a stretch of feeling "really good" so that's a positive. You won't feel that way constantly. That's just not realistic. That kind of happens to me good/bad days. And when I start to feel anxious and stuff I kind of assess...how did I sleep, how did I eat, Do I need to eat, did something happen that bugged me and is stuck in the back of my mind...you know...kind of a self wellness check. Then I get thru the shitty days. Bad days will come for sure but so will some more good ones too. And so will ones that are just so so. But you will get thru all of them for sure.
