View Full Version : Brain tumour worries

23-05-16, 20:40
Hi everyone,

For the past three weeks or so I've been getting on off headaches every day, they usually come in the mornkng, I'll take painkillers and they'll subside then come back later on in the day. Worried I have a brain tumour, my GP says he's sure it's nothing more than tension headaches, but I just can't seem to shake my worries.

Anyone got any words of reassurance for me? Of course I haven't helped myself with Google...

The headaches themselves aren't that bad, and maybe get to a 3 or 4 out of 10 on the pain scale, aren't localised (they can be back of head, forehead, side of head etc) - anyone got any advice?

23-05-16, 20:47
I was getting headaches for literally about 12 weeks. Every single day. Like you it wasn't terribly bad but enough for me to notice it. I was told that if it was anything sinister it wouldn't go away with normal pain killers (paracetamol) i suffer from Heath anxiety and started to worry about something else and all of a sudden no headaches because I wasn't thinking bout about them daily. It's now been about 3 months and Iv not had one headache. I know it's hard believe me because I think I have mouth/tongue cancer at the moment but your headache does sound like tension. Get well soon.

23-05-16, 20:51
Honestly man I'm sick to death of it, I'm at the point now where I'm almost expecting headaches daily which probably isn't helping!

23-05-16, 20:55
That's what I was like. I would wake up every morning and wait for the headache and within 10 mins I had a headache. It was like I was giving myself the headache mentally. Really hope you get better soon. I can relate my Heath anxiety is driving me crazy at the moment.

23-05-16, 20:59
Exactly that, literally to the tee that is what's happening to me. I've always read as well that brain tumours have more symptoms associated with them other than just headaches, and the headaches are pretty bad usually. Got any tips for how you got over it?

What's going on to make you think you have mouth cancer? I convinced myself I had that a while back too

23-05-16, 21:06
Yeah my gp assured me that it wasn't anything bad and that I would have more symptoms because it wouldn't come on its own. To be honest I did end up going to out of hours but that was while I was having a panic attack about the headaches they also assured me what I was describing wasn't like a brain tumour and after 3 doctors and a trip to out of hours I managed to calm down (only about the brain tumour as I then worried about my mouth) I truly believe if you keep yourself busy youl realise you don't have true headaches.

Iv had like a cut on the side of my tongue that has been coming and going for about 5 weeks. Iv been to the dentist and he doesn't seem to think it's anything other than trauma because I clench my teeth, maybe unaware bite my tongue, I also have a few red spots that also come and go and a few ulcers recently but like you I can't get it out of my head.

23-05-16, 21:09
Ah yeah I get ulcers all the time, that was one of my triggers too. I try to rationalise (sometimes it doesn't work) and figure if it was anything serious it would deteriorate, which my ulcers never really did

23-05-16, 21:10
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

That's it really. If indeed it were sinister, they wouldn't come and go. Once cancer gets a hold and grows to the point of causing pain or discomfort, it doesn't stop and only gets worse. Been there done that. By the time I went in for surgery, the tumors in my neck were pushing against structures internally. It was a constant unrelenting pressure and feeling.

Positive thoughts

23-05-16, 21:13
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

That's it really. If indeed it were sinister, they wouldn't come and go. Once cancer gets a hold and grows to the point of causing pain or discomfort, it doesn't stop and only gets worse. Been there done that. By the time I went in for surgery, the tumors in my neck were pushing against structures internally. It was a constant unrelenting pressure and feeling.

Positive thoughts

Yeah I think I have to assure myself of this too. Plus also, if my GP was in anyway concerned he'd have at least referred me - which he didn't - it really is likely just a tension headache caused by anxiety. Vicious cycle or what!

23-05-16, 21:16
Ah yeah I get ulcers all the time, that was one of my triggers too. I try to rationalise (sometimes it doesn't work) and figure if it was anything serious it would deteriorate, which my ulcers never really did

Thanks. Hopefully we both get over our worries soon. ☺️

23-05-16, 21:17
Thanks. Hopefully we both get over our worries soon. ☺️

I'm sure we will! :)

23-05-16, 21:24
I've had this now for 6 weeks. Relentless headaches pretty much everyday. Also, feelings of nausea and "out of body ness".

I've been to my gp twice, out of hours doctor 4 times, AE once and I've had an eye test. All

Ive been through all these thoughts and more. Tumour, MS and Aneurysm have been my things. Mixed with a little MND (Christ knows why).

I've had an MRI tonight privately (work pay for health insurance).

I'm slowly reaching the point where I have to accept that it's Anxiety causing these symptoms. Funnily enough, the more I accept it, the better they are.

Also, like another person said. Keep busy, you don't notice them.

24-05-16, 19:44
I've had this now for 6 weeks. Relentless headaches pretty much everyday. Also, feelings of nausea and "out of body ness".

I've been to my gp twice, out of hours doctor 4 times, AE once and I've had an eye test. All

Ive been through all these thoughts and more. Tumour, MS and Aneurysm have been my things. Mixed with a little MND (Christ knows why).

I've had an MRI tonight privately (work pay for health insurance).

I'm slowly reaching the point where I have to accept that it's Anxiety causing these symptoms. Funnily enough, the more I accept it, the better they are.

Also, like another person said. Keep busy, you don't notice them.

Since creating this thread last night my headaches have actually been okay, they're still there but I've been trying to forget about them and accept anxiety causes tension, which in turn can cause headaches and for the most part of today I've been dealing with it pretty well I think.

I think the key thing for me is to figure out what my triggers are and avoid them (duh lol)

What also helps is looking at all the things I've worried about over the past year or so, and realising that this, like them, is just a byproduct of anxiety

26-05-16, 00:39

Also, like another person said. Keep busy, you don't notice them.
