View Full Version : scared again

13-03-07, 08:29
:weep: Hi all
It's me again.I wanted to know if anyone experiences this.I get this warm feeling on my chest and back and it really scares me because I begin to worry and it pushes my anxiety through the roof.Well last night I went to visit my dad in hospital I wasent feeling nervous or anything but when I got out their my left side of my face started feeling really tight but I could move it and stuff could I be getting a stroke all this stuff keeps floating in my head and I am really scared cause everyone else that is twenty one don't suffer from all this things please give me some advice

Thank you in advance

13-03-07, 09:14
i dont think so,it sounds like classic nasty anxiety symptoms to me, i know i have had them from the numbness in my face and lips to the feeling in my chest. A stroke doesnt happen like that. It often happened to me when i thought i wasnt nervous either,but remember tension is something which has to build up in us and can exhibit itself when we least expect it.
hope this helps
ps other people no matter what age who have anxiety suffer from a whole host of symptoms some common and some unique to them

13-03-07, 09:32
thanks nell I just feel down lately because I am so tired of this!
I play softball so when I am on the field I find myself looking at the other players thinking my goodness can't I rather be you (not having anxiety)
I know I shouldent and that I am fortanate in many ways it just seems a bit shallow sometimes

but thanks always helps to speak to someone

13-03-07, 17:46
i have had the burning all through out my body, and i'm only 24....actually had the symptoms when i was 20....i dealth with anxiety when i was 20 took zoloft for a year....came off of it and did great,until recently and now i'm going down the road to recovery again. i'm doing therapy this time as well. I'm taking the zoloft again, but it hasn't really started working yet. i, like you, look at others that seem happy and think why can't i be like that, i used to be like that,.......but then i remember everyone had their own demonds to deal with. anxiety is ours. it will get better! hang in ther and pm me anytime!

16-03-07, 12:36
Hi upatnight
I to started having anxiety early
When I was in grade eleven 16 I started getting heart palputations and just felt nervous then went through the whole going to dic thing and they diagnosed me.I never even heard about anxiety then.Well it went away and came back last year a few months before my twenty first I dident even know anxiety could cause all this symptoms.I am having a real hard time now.You know the funny thing is people think I am this spoilt girl and some girls even say yor its lucky to be you ,but If they just knew my life is a total rollercoster hey it's really ironic

well thanks a lot sweetie

17-03-07, 19:21
Cindy I get the exact same issues as you.

I get a hot chest and back sometimes and sometimes one side of my face gets cold or my leg or arm or any part of me I've found and it come on so randomly.

I get countless symptoms and I'm never convinced its anxiety but I suppose it must be!