View Full Version : Please can someone help me

24-05-16, 11:20
I've been suffering from extreme anxiety 24/7 for the last two weeks and panic attacks which I've not had before although had anxiety for a while but now it's taken over my life. I'm on day 6 of 10mg citalopram and due to increase to 20mg tomorrow and am feeling awful. Really bad anxiety/panic attacks plus more side effects. My Doctor said the increased anxiety should pass after the first few days but this is a week tomorrow since I started! I'm due to go on holiday in 6 weeks and I'm so scared I won't be able to go :weep:

24-05-16, 12:20
Sunflower sorry you are feeling rotten I was like you where I started back on Cit over 2 years ago It is just your brain getting used to Cit It will get better sadly it just takes time! Keep in touch with your Gp as they may give something short term to help as you adjust X

24-05-16, 14:21
Thank you for your help. I've got some diazepam but don't like taking it. The Doctor said to keep on the 10mg until I get used to taking it. Feel as if my life as I knew it has gone ��.

24-05-16, 16:51
Hi Sunflower!!!! Hang in there! We all felt like that in the beginning. This will get better you just have to stay strong and stick with the meds. :bighug1:

24-05-16, 18:00
I'm in day 9 today and feel crap I'm hoping I pick soon but keep in mind that we will get better and we will put the illness behind us xx

24-05-16, 18:07
I really hope so as at the moment it's awful. Hope everyone is ok x

---------- Post added at 18:07 ---------- Previous post was at 18:02 ----------

Does anyone ever get shivery with anxiety? I get it out of the blue sometimes x

24-05-16, 18:12
I do I get really hot then go really cold even on a warm day it's not nice hang on in there though I'm trying my hardest to lol xx

24-05-16, 18:33
Thanks also I get out of breath speaking sometimes which makes me scared it's my heart especially when I get palpitations :-(

24-05-16, 18:45
Try not to worry it's the side effects that's what I tell myself I get that feeling where it feels someone is stood on my chest but after a bit it subsides we are still early on and just think this is your road to recovery and it will get worse before u get better just hang on for a couple of weeks and be strong. Do u have any children x

24-05-16, 18:57
I also had some chest pain this morning. It frightened me a bit but then it disappeared.

24-05-16, 19:08
Hi Sunflower - I think a lot of doctors under-sell the side effects of ssri's. They don't want to scare people away from a very effective anxiety medication. Certainly within 6 eeeks you will have a better handle on your anxiety. But to experience the full beneficial effects of the medication it could take up to six months. Hang in there. You've taken the most important step in regards to ssri treatment - you started.


24-05-16, 19:19
Thanks everyone, yes I have one son age 4. I had the breathless feeling before I took the tablets. I'm def going to keep taking them. Thanks to everyone for your help x

24-05-16, 20:20
Oh God I had a panic attack at 5.20 this morning but got over it and went to work got the kids to school trying to keep things normal for them x