View Full Version : Well that relief didn't last long :( it's back black when wiping? Or something else

24-05-16, 11:33
Hey, well I had a decent break over the weekend till Monday and on Sunday morning I went fine as normal and yesterday morning went 3 times yesterday did some bigger ones but I couldn't and still can't get it out lol. Had a constant urge to go yesterday was really really annoying Id do a bit then be constipated been again this morning and i haven't looked from yesterday just flushed it.

However when I wipe esp when it takes a bit to get out its not dry and seems to be like wet I have to wipe 3 to 4 times and idk if it's just the light showing really dark brown black or it is I did shine my phone light under it and it looks slightly lighter but it is sticky when I get another tissue and put it on it.

Could this be a diet thing or maybe when I'm constipated or what I did slightly relax but it's panic stations all over again. Although the urge i had to run to the toilet in the morning has dissapeared.

I seem to be a little more constipated now but still going.

Gary A
24-05-16, 11:35
Have you been to a doctor with this?

24-05-16, 11:38
No not this one idk if ive experienced this before though I have it sometimes were I can't get it out and it makes a mess and I wait to get it out another the time. The Poo itself is normal brown it's when I wipe. I'm literally paralysed by fear all day every day I hardly do anything due to this paralysing fear.

Gary A
24-05-16, 11:42
Well not to sound rude, but don't you think it would be far more sensible to see your doctor and have it checked out? There isn't really too much anyone here can tell you.

It's most likely just a symptom of your anxiety, stomach and digestive issues are not at all uncommon when suffering anxiety, but it would certainly be far more productive to see your doctor for a difinitive diagnosis.

24-05-16, 12:45
On closer inspection it's dark brown Id say I have that annoying thing at the minute when I go to ge toilet and it sort of gets stuck at the last second makes a right mess tmi. Need to drink more water I think

24-05-16, 12:56
Sounds like constipation to me. Drink plenty and take your time. x

24-05-16, 13:27
I agree with Gary, I don't believe this is serious at all and a side effect of your anxiety. I'm not one for paid reassurance but it could go a long way in resolving this. One doesn't want to be a poo inspector forever ;)

I happen to suffer from extreme constipation since my cancer and treatment. My last appointment, I brought it up with my doctors and it's not unusual BUT, they told me to add a dose of Miralax to my daily diet. I mix it in with a yogurt every day and things have finally begun to "move". Your situation may be as easy a fix as that.

Positive thoughts

24-05-16, 14:10
Thanks fish man, what does upper gi bleeding look like, I did shit myself earlier when I seen a sort of black on wiping when you shine a light on it or put it in the light it's light darkish brown. But atm yes It gets stuck and makes a mess near the very end do you reckon I'm just crushing it by wiping it then?

Gary A
24-05-16, 14:29
Does the term "TMI" mean nothing around here? Go to your doctor and get it checked out.

24-05-16, 17:53
You're paying way too much attention to your stool color and shape. I expect it's causing you to see things that aren't there, for example a dark poo that's normal is being seen as "well, it's dark, could be black... yeah let's go with black".

If it's black, you'd know. If it's different consistency to normal, you'd know. There are obvious warning signs, if you have those, then go to the dr. otherwise just try and relax and don't pay so much attention to it.

24-05-16, 22:53
You're paying way too much attention to your stool color and shape. I expect it's causing you to see things that aren't there, for example a dark poo that's normal is being seen as "well, it's dark, could be black... yeah let's go with black".

If it's black, you'd know. If it's different consistency to normal, you'd know. There are obvious warning signs, if you have those, then go to the dr. otherwise just try and relax and don't pay so much attention to it.

Got to agree with this. The OP is doing allsorts of straining & monitoring that points to anxiety. The GI is a very common one to be affected by anxiety and fight it flight even takes specific actions when triggered.

25-05-16, 15:26
Yeah i am over analyzing i can't relax on the toilet due to fear I'm literally just terrified 24/7 there's so much going on at the minute :(