View Full Version : Derealisation all if the time

24-05-16, 14:31
Struggling with this as its making my anxiety and panic worse :-(

24-05-16, 15:46
Hi sunflower, I am also going through this as well as lots more. I know how horrible it is, I have had it for almost 3 months now, my vision is still sensitive and not normal but it has cleared up slightly but the feelings still remain. How long have you been suffering and what set it off?

24-05-16, 16:30
I've been suffering with health anxiety for years but about 2 weeks ago I took a funny turn where I felt really strange with my heart beating fast then the next day it happened again. Just for a few seconds then I had a huge panic type attack which I ended up in a&e for a heart trace and had constant high anxiety since then. I'm convinced I have an adrenal tumour as have all the symptoms. I'm doing a 24hr urine collection at the moment to test for it and am so scared then to get a 48hr heart monitor on sometime. Thanks for your help. I hope you are ok.

24-05-16, 16:59
I've been suffering with health anxiety for years but about 2 weeks ago I took a funny turn where I felt really strange with my heart beating fast then the next day it happened again. Just for a few seconds then I had a huge panic type attack which I ended up in a&e for a heart trace and had constant high anxiety since then. I'm convinced I have an adrenal tumour as have all the symptoms. I'm doing a 24hr urine collection at the moment to test for it and am so scared then to get a 48hr heart monitor on sometime. Thanks for your help. I hope you are ok.

Sunflower I also thought the same same thing! I got tested for it several times. I swore something was wrong within my body to cause so much anxiety. I have battled this for the past 3 years and have had probably every test that could be done. I finally accepted the fact that I just have anxiety and depression and now I will probably be on meds for life. Anxiety & Depression can wreck havoc on your mind and body.

24-05-16, 18:00
Thanks for your help. I'm so scared as I've got all the symptoms. Doing the last of the 24hr urine tests today then I will have to wait for the result. I don't know if me being so anxious will affect the result. Also I've to get a 48hr heart monitor on sometime. All these tests making me anxious. My full blood count, liver and kidney function were fine. My underactive thyroid was a bit over so I've lowered my thyroxine and also my cholesterol was borderline. I'm so scared of what's wrong as I've had anxiety but this is another level :-(

24-05-16, 23:30
Thanks for your help. I'm so scared as I've got all the symptoms. Doing the last of the 24hr urine tests today then I will have to wait for the result. I don't know if me being so anxious will affect the result. Also I've to get a 48hr heart monitor on sometime. All these tests making me anxious. My full blood count, liver and kidney function were fine. My underactive thyroid was a bit over so I've lowered my thyroxine and also my cholesterol was borderline. I'm so scared of what's wrong as I've had anxiety but this is another level :-(

I was very anxious during my 24hr urine test and the results came back normal each time (3 to be exact). I also did the holter monitor and everything was fine. Do you have high blood pressure that is uncontrollable? Thats really the main symptom. Thats why they thought I had one cause I had very high blood pressure. I also have an underactive thyroid, so if you were overmedicated you would definitely be getting all kinds of symptoms esp anxiety, so that should help lessen your anxiety once your levels are normal. The thyroid messes with your cholesterol, so I would not worry about that either. I would just get it retested once your thyroid levels are back in range.

25-05-16, 07:55
Thank you, my blood pressure been really high but don't know if it's cause I'm really anxious. I'm so scared of what's wrong. Been awake most of the night with my heart racing and my face keeps flushing. I've had to collect my urine for 3 days for the 24hr urine test. Did you have to do it for 3 days? Don't know why I've had 3 containers. Thanks for your help. I'm so worried as got all the symptoms plus high blood pressure :weep:

---------- Post added at 07:55 ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 ----------

Also did you get heart palpitations and racing heart when you had the monitor on at all?
Thanks x

25-05-16, 11:20
Thank you, my blood pressure been really high but don't know if it's cause I'm really anxious. I'm so scared of what's wrong. Been awake most of the night with my heart racing and my face keeps flushing. I've had to collect my urine for 3 days for the 24hr urine test. Did you have to do it for 3 days? Don't know why I've had 3 containers. Thanks for your help. I'm so worried as got all the symptoms plus high blood pressure :weep:

---------- Post added at 07:55 ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 ----------

Also did you get heart palpitations and racing heart when you had the monitor on at all?
Thanks x

Adrenal tumors are rare and now that you said you were overmedicated on your thyroid meds that can cause high blood pressure and again a lot of anxiety, which causes high blood pressure. My blood pressure was like 220/110. I was overmedicated twice and i thought I was going mad until my levels came back into normal range. My levels weren't far off either and I still had major symptoms.

I only had to do the urine test for one day not three, maybe they just want to check multiple days in a row. Yes I had racing heart/palps on the monitor. I was at my worst when I wore the monitor and did the 24 hour urine test.

Do you have your lab results for your thyroid? I would be curious to see what your levels were.

I have had heart pounding for the past 3 years and no one can figure it out. I believe its anxiety now. I feel it starting to diminish now the longer I am on the meds. However about a week before my monthly cycle my anxiety increases and so does my heart pounding. I am hoping this will disappear once the meds totally kick in for me.

Stay strong you will get through this!!! :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

25-05-16, 11:24
Thank you, I don't know what my thyroid levels were but the Doctor told me they weren't high enough to cause all these symptoms. Adjusted my thyroxine from 100 to 75 two weeks ago and still feel as bad I fact I'm worse as more anxious. I've had to lower it twice before but never had symptoms like I'm getting now so don't know if it is my thyroid x

25-05-16, 11:45
Thank you, I don't know what my thyroid levels were but the Doctor told me they weren't high enough to cause all these symptoms. Adjusted my thyroxine from 100 to 75 two weeks ago and still feel as bad I fact I'm worse as more anxious. I've had to lower it twice before but never had symptoms like I'm getting now so don't know if it is my thyroid x

Yes being overmedicated is horrible. Like I said my levels were not to far off from being in normal range and I had a lot of symptoms. Did you stop your meds for a few days then restart at the lower dose to get a lower concentration of the meds in your system. Here is the list of symptoms you can get from being overmedicated. Your lab numbers may not of caught up with your symptoms, so it possible that's why your doctor said that. TSH lags behind by six weeks.

Rapid or irregular heartbeat
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Leg cramps
Change in appetite
Weight gain or loss
Excessive sweating
Heat intolerance
Changes in menstrual periods
Hives or skin rash
Partial temporary hair loss

25-05-16, 12:52
Thank you for the list. No I didn't stop the meds just cut down one day from 100 to 75mg. Thanks for your help x