View Full Version : Repeat music Lryics and songs over and over

Adam Bright1
24-05-16, 18:21
Hello again you wonderful people !

So It seems my Anxiety has now manifested into repeating a song/or lyrics one or two lines over and over again in my head.
Its driving me insane.
Lets say Beyoncé all the single ladys.........I hear that line in my head for an hour, No music, just the lyrics over and over, madness!
Anyway i'm sure I will somehow manage to convince my G.P I have a brain tumour or something, as I usually do over panic.
But any tips? Its not so bad when I concentrate on something like work or typing this but, when i'm at rest or just doing general stuff its none stop, came on suddenly Thursday last week
Usually when I'm stressed its groin pain or something so this one is a new one.
Thanks In advance for any advice/help

24-05-16, 18:34
Oh my God, this drives me absolutely crazy too! It has got to the stage where I can't have the radio on in the car just in case a song comes on and sticks in my brain. I've changed the station to Classic FM as that doesn't seem to cause the same issues.

I find it worse when I wake up in the morning, song lyrics just will not stop going through my mind and it really does my head in. I'm hoping it is just links to heightened anxiety and that it will recede once the anxiety levels drop.

Adam Bright1
24-05-16, 19:10
Its driving me insane, !!!! I feel for you, I really do!

---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

Its driving me absolutely insane, I feel for you, I really do

24-05-16, 22:18
That would drive me insane can't stand Beyoncé , could be worse could be jedward , I know what you mean though I get a thought in my head and it won't stop I try and think of somthing else and without realising slip back to the repetitive thought time and time again , it worse for me when I'm tired and can't sleep , I guess distraction is the answer reading tends to distract me even if it's just reading some posts on here , take care .

Adam Bright1
25-05-16, 08:49
This morning its that rat like Dappy or whatever his name is, with 4 words again.
Distraction is the Key, I'm finding myself at work struggling with this now, although i never used too.
I tell you what helped , when i get blind drunk last week, I didnt have that problem then.
Maybe I should just be a raging alcoholic lol, (Just kidding)
Thanks for all the input so far :-)

Adam Bright1
30-05-16, 13:15
Oh my God this is driving me insane, I can't concentrate on anything :-( , I just want to cry

01-06-16, 11:25
For me it was usually Frank Sinatra's Fly me to the Moon. I don't even listen to Frank Sinatra and I've not heard the song for years!

09-06-16, 01:57
late response on this one but i can definitely relate to this. during my worst times i spend 8 hours at night curled in a ball shaking with fear instead of sleeping, and there is almost always one part of one song playing over and over again in my head. i'm a pretty musical person and i put it down to just the overstimulation of my brain, but it has genuinely ruined some great songs for me. there are songs i can't listen to any more because they just remind me of *that night* the chorus played on repeat inside my brain for 8 hours.

09-06-16, 06:35
I went thru that one.
Used to wake up and it was there until I went to sleep at night.
Just random songs.
It just disappeared on it's own :shrug:

09-06-16, 07:12
I've had this for as long as I can remember, whether anxious or not. Often it happens after I've been at the supermarket or somewhere they play music I don't like at all (I'm a rock/metal fan mostly).

It's never a song I really like and it's often something I haven't heard in years. I never thought of it as an anxiety thing, just an annoyance.

I pretty much have my own soundtrack playing in my head in the background probably about half of the time.

I remember when I had to put my elderly dog to sleep last year I had Cat Steven's 'Peace Train' repeating over and over and over for days. It was in a movie I saw several months before. That one I found strangely comforting.

Some people call it an 'Ear Worm' and some say it's your subconscious trying to tell you something. If you really look at the lyrics there's often a message in there, but not always. Also it may not be the lyrics per se but reflect something you are feeling?

Not sure what Beyonce is trying to tell you though.

09-06-16, 08:06
Not sure what Beyonce is trying to tell you though.

Well it wasn't "put a ring on it" so it's not anxiety about getting engaged. :D

It's not just songs either, I do a fair bit of whistling.

I wonder whether it's just too much activity. It's not just about Serotonin (inhibitory) and Adrenaline (excitory), the ones we tend to associate with anxiety. The largest neurotransmitter is Glutamate (excitory) which is opposed by GABA (inhibitory). Glutamate makes your thoughts race and GABA comes in to calm it down.

So, I wonder whether it is something like that if your thoughts are constantly racing. If not though, it probably isn't connected.

But it can be maddening. Phill will appreciate this - I get that Captain Kangaroo one going around quite a lot and need to sing it. :D

09-06-16, 18:53
Ear worm! I get it all the time and it's really annoying. Someone only has to mention a song and it starts. One day it was 'how much is that doggy in the window'. Beyoncé sounds great compared to that.

the one with the waggly tail....


10-06-16, 07:21
Ear worm! I get it all the time and it's really annoying. Someone only has to mention a song and it starts. One day it was 'how much is that doggy in the window'. Beyoncé sounds great compared to that.

the one with the waggly tail....


Was that why she stood out in Destiny's Child? :winks:

10-06-16, 11:12
wow... i thought i was alone with this.. i have had it for years usually when i wake up or go to the loo no more than 4 words usually..

how very very strange.. Anxiety is such a massive, broad spectrum of weird symptoms

10-06-16, 19:49
I had So Solid Crew "21 seconds to go" stuck in my head for days. Just that one line of the song, I've never even heard the rest of it lol. Drove me nuts :wacko: