View Full Version : That muzzy headed morning feeling

25-05-16, 09:43
Every morning I wake up muzzy headed and so tired, it feels like I haven't slept. It is such an effort to drag myself out of bed, the temptation to lay there is so strong. I know from experience that staying in bed doesn't help at all, but sometimes the effort to get up just isn't there so I stay in bed for hours feeling rotten. Any tips or advice on coping with this and does it ever go away?

25-05-16, 17:06
Google "waking up tired cortisol". I don't know about it in any great depth but think cortisol, adrenal fatigue, might have something to do with it.

I've felt it yeh, definitely.

25-05-16, 18:33
Thank you, I will!

25-05-16, 21:03
It's likely anxiety etc are just sapping your energy, and you're waking up with some subconscious feeling of dread about going through it all again. But every day is different, provided you don't just do the same things over and over. You'll learn this in time :)

Consider your sleeping habits. Staying up very late will always make you tired the next day no matter how much sleep you get - it's like you use up some of the next day's energy reserves when you stay up late. Going to bed late and getting up late are a shock to the system.

25-05-16, 22:07

25-05-16, 22:26
It's likely anxiety etc are just sapping your energy, and you're waking up with some subconscious feeling of dread about going through it all again. But every day is different, provided you don't just do the same things over and over. You'll learn this in time :)

Consider your sleeping habits. Staying up very late will always make you tired the next day no matter how much sleep you get - it's like you use up some of the next day's energy reserves when you stay up late. Going to bed late and getting up late are a shock to the system.

Thank you Adam. I do worry that if I go to bed earlier I will wake up earlier and I'm not sure I want that
At the moment I go to bed at about midnight and wake around 4am and am unable to get back to sleep so I just lie there feeling dreadful. I'm concerned that if I go to bed at say 10pm, I will be awake at 2am instead of 4am. It seems it doesn't matter when I go to bed I only sleep for about 4 hrs. Consequently I'm exhausted the following day and severely lacking in motivation. Of course that is counter productive as I really need to get out exercising and being more sociable.

25-05-16, 22:36
Sounds exactly like me Mojo. I don't even want to go to bed half the time because my anxiety is lowest in evening and I almost feel normal, I know when I wake up I am gonna feel terrible. I also go to bed about 11-12 and wake about 5 and just toss and turn feeling all panicky. I think if I could get past the morning dread anxiety my day would be good. It's a vicious cycle.

25-05-16, 22:43
You have summed it up perfectly netminder, that is exactly how I feel.

I've noticed that if I literally force myself out of bed I am better after about an hour or so. It is much worse if I surrender to the urge and stay in bed. But it is oh so hard to force myself up, and oh so easy to just lie there :(

---------- Post added at 22:43 ---------- Previous post was at 22:39 ----------

And yes, I am virtually back to normal in the evening too. I look forward to that respite all day long and sometimes it is the only thing that keeps me going. I look at the clock and think oh good, only another 3 or 4 hours until my reprieve. I'm sure that subconsciously I stay in bed later in the morning because it means less hours to kill until the evening

25-05-16, 22:57
How long have you been like this. Mine started several months ago with a bout of health anxiety. Now I'm not really anxious about any sort of illness or my heart like it was, I just wake up almost petrified and really don't even wanna see anyone.

25-05-16, 23:14
Wow, what a coincidence! Mine started in November last year after a bout of health anxiety too. Now the HA has gone but the anxiety remains. I just can't seem to get rid of the physical symptoms and I'm now anxious about being anxious if that makes sense?

25-05-16, 23:19
That's exactly what I said on the Facebook group the other day... that I was anxious about being anxious. That is really a coincidence. Too bad for both of us though it's continuing. I been to the doctor and heart checked and blood work was normal. She put me on fluoxetine which I was on 10mg for 30 days and now 20mg for the last week. I was thinking it is side effects from that but now I'm not sure.