View Full Version : Lump in neck, freaking out around exams

25-05-16, 10:24
Hi there! New here, I'm Sam and I've come here to try and set my mind at ease. I'm 20 years old, I exercise usually 3 times a week at the gym, I'm otherwise fit and healthy. I occassionally have a cigarrette with a friend and I drink heavily once a week usually, but not at all during the rest of the week.

I'm going to try to set everything out clearly, bare with me.

So last weak I popped home from university for a quick break before resuming study for exams. On the way home I was having some pretty severe hayfever-like symptoms, and believed that was exactly what it was. The next day, however, I woke up with raised, tender glands and a slight sore throat and thought "bugger, must be coming down with a cold". However, within a couple of days the cold like symptoms had pretty much vanished. I thought nothing of it and headed back to uni.

About a week ago, I happened to feel my neck while working and realised my gland on my left side was still raised but not at all painful. I wasn't bothered; that gland has always been very sensitive. When ill, it's always the most swollen, and when I was young my parents always used to notice it was raised even when there was nothing wrong with me. So I googled how long it would stick around for as it was visible, and that's where I made my mistake. Suddenly, I'm self diagnosing myself with Lymphoma and freaking right out.

My mum convinced me to go to the Minor Injuries Unit, as I'm actually signed on with my doctor back home still, and set my mind at ease. I trotted in, the gave it a cursory prod and said "it's *either* your gland *or* it could be a cyst". They said given that I told them that gland has always been sensitve it could just be taking it's sweet time going down, or, if it's a cyst, it'll clear up on it's own and if not I should see a doctor and get it taken care of. So not cancer.

However, something about how cursory they were has stopped me from relaxing about it. Now it also feels very slightly like someone has rubbed deep heat on that side of my neck? Kind of like the feeling of mint on your tongue? Hot and at the same time tingly cold. I can't tell if I'm imagining that, or if it's because I'm prodding it so much or what.

This past week I've developed a tickly cough, though I've had a cough since pretty much starting uni, it's harder to maintain health here and I'm living in a much bigger city. I also wake up with a snuffly, sneezy nose and post nasal drip. I'm going to try steaming it all out. It's also worth noting that the weekend before easter I was actually hospitalised because of a very severe virus that laid me low for about a week and a half, the worst I've ever had. My gland was absolutely massive then and very angry, but it went down as I recovered. I had a blood test at the hospital and that all came back normal, and that was only a month and a half ago.

Last night I freaked out some more and I just got off the phone with my GP back home who told me she would have said pretty much the same thing as the MIU nurses and to just give it a week, it's likely a cyst or a problem gland bla bla.

So all this is telling me I don't have cancer and that I'm an otherwise healthy 20 year old man. But the fear that something is wrong has really set in and I can't shake it, which is really distracting me from studying. So I just want third and fourth etc. opinions I suppose to calm my mind, as this is keeping me totally on edge and I'm imagining other symptoms. Last night I thought I had night sweats but that was definitely because I was completely freaking out and it was warm in my room. My covers aren't remotely wet.

Please help, thank you all in advance!!

25-05-16, 19:18
The doctors are the experts, they know what they're doing. They'd probably be able to tell if something is serious or not based stuff like feel or location.

28-05-16, 00:20
I think the thing with glands and viruses they can take some time to go back to their normal size, plus if your glands are on your mind they certainly won't go down if playing/prodding etc I'm talking from experience. I found a lump in my neck and was convinced cancer, took 6 months for a referral turned out to be a cyst called brachial cleft cyst, they removed it and that was that never obsessed about neck glands again, that was about 10 years ago.