View Full Version : How can I cope with this!

25-05-16, 11:17
I have been housebound for 3 weeks with severe nerve pain from back/through hip and down to foot. I can only stand or walk for 30 seconds. I have known dodgy discs in back so Dr sent me for another mri scan.
Got results today and now I know why I am in agony!
My L5/S1 disc has collapsed with a huge bulge trapping all the nerves on that side.
GP says I have to see neurosurgeon who will almost certainly want to operate:scared15:
He said I coud look into other options available privately ( not on nhs) to try and avoid surgery but he thinks surgery is inevitable.
At present I do not have any permanent nerve damage but the longer it is compressed the more chance there is of this happening.
Its not my worse nightmare but its coming very very close:mad:

25-05-16, 11:57
Sorry to hear this, countrygirl. It must be horrible being in so much pain all the time. :hugs::flowers:

Do you think it is worth hearing what the neurosurgeon says about this? What if the prognosis from the surgery is very good? Is that a possibility?

Non NHS options? That sounds pretty annoying!

25-05-16, 12:19
I am def getting neurosurgery opinion because I may have no option but to have surgery as happened to my neighbour as her nerve was getting damaged and she would have lost use of her leg not to mention the level of pain she had.

On nhs there is only neurosurgery or pain clinic if you aren't having surgery.
Not on nhs is a therapy called IDD that is high tech traction that can mean you don't need surgery but its not cheap average £80 session and can take 20 sessions and then it might not work.

25-05-16, 12:27
Sounds like something from medieval times! Is there any chance your GP could pursue the local CGC for the funds or part? It seems such a lot for something you don't know will work and I can imagine how you will be desperate for anything to help right now.

25-05-16, 13:13
Not a hope of funding for any of these therapies.

25-05-16, 13:25
Sorry to hear you're hurting Countrygirl. Back pain messes with your entire constitution.

My wife injured her back many years ago resulting in similar issues. She had surgery and other than some general aches dues to weather and age, she's fine. She's able to jog and exercise without pain and leads a normal life.

Any surgery is daunting. I know, I've had several major operations but I'm alive and well. Consider the neurosurgeon's suggestions carefully. A month or so of rehab and discomfort to gain your life back is but a drop in the bucket in the big picture.

Positive thoughts

25-05-16, 18:11
Thanks fishmanpa, good to hear.

It seems that its best to give it at least 6 weeks to see if it improves on its own but if it does not after that then time to intervene. Its only 3 weeks that I have been this bad and probably another 2-3 weeks to see surgeon so will have more idea by then.

In some ways its easier if you are told you have to have operation like my neighbour was as she was losing nerve function because then the choice is out of our hands, its hardest when you are given lots of options!

25-05-16, 20:34
Hi , back pain is a real bitch I feel for you mine went yesterday and I'm on holiday in a caravan couldn't get out of bed this morning I was in tears it hurt that much and I'm the only driver with 6 family here , I guess you feel the same that it affects your whole being mentally and physically , my Mri few months ago shows disc ware middle and bottom my memory is so bad I never remember the letters and numbers not that it makes much difference , mine did seem to heal somewhat but came back just leaning into a cupboard , my cousin was in your position for years and he had it operated on and he's been back at work for about 5 years so hopefully you will get fixed up , I should have started phisio a few weeks ago but my dog was ill so I canceled should have rang them after he passed away but didn't now I'm paying for it , codliver oil seemed to help with me or maybe it just got a bit better , I know you've had this a long time so as I said I really do feel for you , hope it improves soon , take care .

26-05-16, 03:31
Oh my! I'm so sorry!! You'll be in my prayers. Keep us posted on what you decide.