View Full Version : I can't deal with anything remotely bad

25-05-16, 12:40
I'm usually fine for the most part. Sometimes I hear negative thoughts but I can shut them out and get cheery quite easily. Until something bad happens. I make a mistake at work, I break my phone, I have an argument. Anything remotely bad and I just breakdown. My eyes stream instantly and I begin to hyperventilate. My immediate response is to start thinking about killing myself or running away. I would never seriously consider either. Sometimes I work myself up so much that I have to take the whole day off, sometimes several days. I don't know what to do because it's such an intense physical reaction. I feel ashamed to tell anyone because it makes me look so weak.

Does anyone feel the same or have any advice?

25-05-16, 13:44
Have you looked at the information on here? http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles
You might find something useful. I've never experienced that exactly but I can identify with it for sure. I sometime have times when confrontation is too much for me, even if it's pretty relaxed, I'll get shakey and teary. Perhaps looking at the self help, panic attack and anxiety sections would give you some useful info.

CBT, (stands for cognitive behavioral therapy) which you'll see people talk about a lot on here, is something you can do on your own as well as with the aid of a therapist. I found it really helpful, a lot of people do. I'm very independent too and doing it on my own was very preferable for me too.

Stress can become very overwhelming, if you find you can't find any information that helps you deal with it then it's probably easier to get help sooner than leaving it.
Perhaps talking to a Dr or a therapist on the phone would be preferable to going and talking to them face to face?

25-05-16, 14:45
thanks I'll definitely take a look at that!

25-05-16, 15:07
Yes, I can relate to what you're going through.
Maybe people with anxiety are super sensitive, I know am.
It means that i often avoid certain situations or confrontations in order to protect myself from more misery.
When I'm going through a period of high anxiety I even avoid watching the news or reading articles that could be upsetting.
I too, feel that Im a very weak person at times but I've come to accept my limitations. We all have them.