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25-05-16, 13:08
does anyone know anything about the blood disorder lupus anticoagulant

( not asking for medical advice)
my blood results were
raised pt time raised appt time raised fibrogen raised crp

i have googled this left right and centre and it all pointing to
lupus anti coagulant syndrome which means id be at massive risk of dvt pe stroke and heart attack
i recieved these results during a trip to a and e the doc there just said hed write to my gp and get retested in a week
i actually cant cope with this worry and not knowing my gp looked at results and was like dunno why your worried but from what iv read online it can kill me!
i have also suffered a miscarriage at 3 months which is another sign of it
im taking aspirin in the meantime but nobody medical wise wants 2 explain to me what my results mean or anything and im scared and frustrated :(
does anyone have this conviditon

26-05-16, 15:17
i cant find answers anywhere my doc wont even discuss it :( im being retested in a week for my clotting times thats it
iv got severe pain in my leg but i cant go hospital again i feel so alone

Gary A
26-05-16, 15:38
What makes you think you have this?

26-05-16, 15:55
well i went to hospital on sunday i had leg and chest pain
they ran a d dimer was negative ran troponin was negative
they also done the coagulation tests
my pt was 12.8 was meant to be 12.5 or under
my appt was 45.something but was meant to be under 36.4
the doc didnt explain what this meant so i googled like an idiot
and literally i cant find one piece of information that doesnt suggest it is lupus anti coagulant which causes clotting

iv tried speaking to my gp but he just wont discuss it he agreed to do the test again in a week but im terrified
iv read lupus anticoagulant causes increased pt and appt results on the sheet from a and e it questioned the increase and asked if i am on anticoagulants which im not
im terrified they not taking it seriously enough and im going to die
iv got awful pain in my legs no swelling or heat but im still scared i cant find any information like forum wise anywhere

Gary A
26-05-16, 16:23
You had leg and chest pain, both D-dimmer and troponin screening were negative.

I really don't know why people do this to themselves. You had screenings to rule out blood clots and heart damage, both of which completely and utterly ruled them out. What else are you looking for?

Lupus anticoagulant is a condition associated with recurrent blood clots. You quite categorically DO NOT have a blood clot, so why are you jumping on a condition that is associated with recurrent ones?

Just listen to your doctor, if they aren't concerned then why are you? They know what they're looking for.

26-05-16, 16:27
sorry if i offended you i didnt really go looking for this the doctor at a and e was concerned gave me the results told me to go to my gp which i did he brushed them of but im also under a mental health crisis team and their doctor wanted a copy too he raised concerns
i do understand what you are saying though they ruled out anything sinister at the time being
my anxiety just went threw the roof when they said all my coagulation studies were raised and if i can prevent clots ect happening id like to

26-05-16, 19:05
Hi, I've had raised lupus anticoagulant in a blood test, done after I struggled to carry a pregnancy to term. The only treatment I have ever had was blood thinning injections for the duration of my pregnancy, which resulted in a healthy delivery at term. I believe it depends on what other markers might also be raised, as to the required treatment. My doctor doesn't seem to have any concerns on a day to day basis for me. I did panic hugely when it was diagnosed though, please don't google, try and see a GP who specializes in haematology.

27-05-16, 06:38
thank you for your reply
its google that scared the crap out me
at the moment the only thing i have suggesting it is my raised appt level
im scared my gp not taking it serious enough even though they retesting in a week im so scared im just going to keel over from a clot or something
as soon as i read it could mean that i wanted to go on blood thinners
my whole anxiety surrounds dvt/pe as it was a misdiagnosis of having one on my lung and literally told i was going to die that started all this:( turned out i didnt have one but it scared the living crap out me
i had raised fibrinogen too which i read can increase your risk of clotting :'(
feel like a time bomb waiting to erupt
iv not had a clot before but i had a miscarriage at 3 months i dont know if im over worrying or not the gp wouldnt even disucss