View Full Version : Anyone suffer/suffered from nightmares?

25-05-16, 13:36
I remember having the same few bad dreams when i was a kid, mostly one about a man with long black hair who lived across the street from me, but i would have these 3 or 4 bad dreams every other night and they were dreadful.

The nightmares just stopped when i was a teenager, i've always been a dreamer and always remember them clearly, like a little movie, and some of my dreams would be worthy of an Oscar they're that action packed!

Over the past few months nightmares have been coming back there's 2 that i have regularly

One is something bad happens either somebody breaking in or if i am out then someone chasing me ect and i will need to call either 999 or my partner and my phone just won't let me call out, everytime i dial the 999 it leaves a 9 of the end this happens in so many dreams

The other is probably common but my teeth falling out, it's dreadful! It feels so real and i'm stood there with my teeth in my hand and blood everywhere i wake up in a right panic checking they're still in

And one i had last night was my eye balls falling out :weep: i feel like a child but it was horrible, it's really distressing me as they feel so real and it makes me so tense for the first part of the day

Anyone else? It seems to happen randomly as in i can go to bed quite relaxed(or what i think is relaxed), but i am assuming they're triggered by stress

25-05-16, 13:53
I sometimes had an issue with them as a kid too and maybe in my teens I don't remember, I guess a normal amount? But yeah as an adult they were gone.

Then out of the blue as an adult, nightmares! Sometimes they wake me up, sometimes I dont but it can stop me sleeping because I'm worried what I'll dream and my insomnia is pretty easy to inspire.

Mine are not triggered by stress. They seem to be completely random. If anything I think they're linked to me not being satisfied, like if I've worked a lot or done a lot for other people but not done anything for myself or not been able to get creative satisfaction then I think that tends to be the time they happen, but I'm not sure.

25-05-16, 14:21
I sometimes had an issue with them as a kid too and maybe in my teens I don't remember, I guess a normal amount? But yeah as an adult they were gone.

Then out of the blue as an adult, nightmares! Sometimes they wake me up, sometimes I dont but it can stop me sleeping because I'm worried what I'll dream and my insomnia is pretty easy to inspire.

Mine are not triggered by stress. They seem to be completely random. If anything I think they're linked to me not being satisfied, like if I've worked a lot or done a lot for other people but not done anything for myself or not been able to get creative satisfaction then I think that tends to be the time they happen, but I'm not sure.

Thanks for replying, i don't know much about sleep but i'm thinking if i am waking up still tired it might be because i'm not having good quality sleep and instead these nightmares. I will look in to lifestyle changes more and see if i can eradicate them altogether.

Just took a look at your blog, sounds very similar to me! I have started some before and deleted them, i am so critical of my own creations but really want to put them out there.
I draw a lot as well and whenever people see them they love it, but i'm always too afraid to post them. Being a perfectionist is hard

25-05-16, 23:45
Yeah I'd guess it's because the nightmares disturb your sleep in some way. I know for me, I wake up a few times in the night when I get nightmares, even if it's only for a minute.

Thanks for checking it out!
You should put them out there! Instagram can be great for art stuff. Would it help if you did it anonymously?

Being a perfectionist is hard. I'm very very self critical too.
Showing something you've made is a very vulnerable position to be in. But the more you do it the easier it gets? Like stage fright maybe. I don't know why it scares me so much.

26-05-16, 19:35
Yeah i've been thinking about doing it anonymously to start with, i think that would be much easier, and that way i still get to share them. May set one up :)

27-05-16, 14:54
And if you did fancy putting a link to it in your signature that would be cool ;)