View Full Version : Pretty good afternoon

25-05-16, 16:26
So only day 10 on cit but I feel I've have a good afternoon bin feeling a bit more myself managed to have a laugh with my friends about the weird thought I had this morning a bit of anixety but I haven't let it ruin my mood I know everyday is different but cannot wait till I'm back to my old self again 😊😊 x

25-05-16, 17:45
That's so good to hear. I took my son and met my friend and her daughter at the park. It was nice to sit in the sun instead of googling all my symptoms. I felt spaced out much of the time but was glad I went out. Hope you continue to improve X

25-05-16, 18:05
Positive posts are important. Thanks!

25-05-16, 18:28
That's great news. I am on my 3rd day and it is a struggle. Been out walking and cycling but as soon as I lie down my mind wanders and my body goes into fright, shock, adrenaline. Struggle to get it to stop.

25-05-16, 18:31
Feeling anxious again now but I'm thinking of my good time earlier the good days keep me going xx

25-05-16, 18:32
Well done Becky. I think we need the bad times to make us appreciate the good!

25-05-16, 18:45
I love the good days hate the bad days as we all do we just need to think positive I tend to self talk alot tell myself out loud that I'm fine and I can beat this I've done it before I can do it again and it does make me feel better

25-05-16, 19:07
Hey all - No matter what comes stay the course with your ssri treatment. Give it a good long try. At least 6 months to a year. too many people give up too soon on it.


25-05-16, 19:22
im 7 weeks on 20mg cit today and having much better days more often! yay:)

25-05-16, 21:13
The good days are a good sign!! They'll get more and more frequent until they just become the norm x