View Full Version : New Fear - Leukemia (Random bruises on leg!)

25-05-16, 19:28

I was finally getting over my fear of Lymphoma and starting to enjoy my pregnancy (currently 32 weeks) when I noticed 3 bruises on my right leg. I had just come out of the shower when I saw them. They are small (each less than 1cm) and they are on my lower right leg. Of course I connected my swollen lymph nodes & bruises together to conclude leukemia. I am SO worried now :(

I had a CBC a month ago and all was fine except my hemoglobin was a but low - again, another symptom of "L". Have any of you had bruises like this and been okay?

---------- Post added at 18:28 ---------- Previous post was at 18:20 ----------

Also, my lymph nodes have gotten smaller. But waxing and waning lymph nodes don't necessarily mean no cancer. I wish I hadn't googled :(

25-05-16, 19:36
Everyone gets random bruises that you have no idea where they came from. I'll notice one and can't remember bumping into anything, but we do it all the time without paying attention.

If they're small like this, I imagine that's all it is.

25-05-16, 19:38
I get small bruises on my legs all the time. We bang out legs on things daily, and a lot of the time forget about it. Maybe being pregnant makes it easier for you to bruise? I don't think you should be concerned. You could literally get bruises like that from brushing up against a coffee table three days ago.

25-05-16, 22:13
I have been here so many times been bruise free for a few months! I'd get five at a time either from banging leg or something I at first didn't remember doing. Don't worry.

26-05-16, 22:09
I hope you guys are right. I think they might be fading - but I'm not sure :( At least they aren't getting worse. I am so paranoid about getting other random bruises now. Ugh, hate hate hate hypochondria

26-05-16, 22:41
Oh my gosh...I always have random bumps and bruises....and eventually, I am able to remember, "oh yeah...I bumped my leg on the magazine rack," or some such thing.

If you had a complete blood workup and that came back ok, I'd say you were ok. :)

But I understand, completely, how this hypochondria can run your life!

Gary A
26-05-16, 23:07
Low hemglobin levels are very very common in pregnant women. A full blood count would have shown many signs of leukemia, there really wouldn't have been much doubt that something was amiss.

You don't have leukemia, try to relax.

Captain irrational
27-05-16, 00:15

I was finally getting over my fear of Lymphoma and starting to enjoy my pregnancy (currently 32 weeks) when I noticed 3 bruises on my right leg. I had just come out of the shower when I saw them. They are small (each less than 1cm) and they are on my lower right leg. Of course I connected my swollen lymph nodes & bruises together to conclude leukemia. I am SO worried now :(

From what I have heard, the sort of bruising associated with leukemia is far more dramatic and severe than a few tiny bruises on the legs. Many leukemia sufferers literally look like they have had the shit kicked out of them. The bruises are huge, colourful and can appear all over the face and body from the slightest knocks and bumps, or even spontaneously

I had a CBC a month ago and all was fine except my hemoglobin was a but low - again, another symptom of "L". Have any of you had bruises like this and been okay?In my 25 years of life I must have had thousands of mystery bruises. I'm still alive. Your bloods would have a lot more red flags if leukemia was present. Leukemia is one of the few cancers that actually easily shows up on a blood test.

Also, my lymph nodes have gotten smaller. But waxing and waning lymph nodes don't necessarily mean no cancer. Very rarely and only in very rare, low grade types of lymphoma. 99.999999% of the time, waxing and waning lymph nodes are a sign of........ entirely normal and healthy lymph nodes doing their job!!

27-05-16, 05:40
Some people just bruise easy. U be ok. Also high levels of stress can effect blood count so I've been told.

27-05-16, 08:22
I wouldn't be too worried like everyone is saying leg bruises are so commonl because we don't always feel ourselves banging into things. Have you always been anxious about your health? I've got a 12 week old baby and I started worrying terribly about my health during my pregnancy and it spiralled out of control after he was born. Hence why I'm on here writing about my worries. I spoke to my gp and she's been really helpful and I am now getting counselling Whixh should be helpful. The reason I'm saying is pregnancy hormones along with anxiety are horrible so ask for help. Hope you enjoy your last few weeks of pregnancy. ☺️

29-05-16, 01:16
Thank you for the reassurance everyone! I was starting to feel better today (bruises are disappearing), but I foolishly went on Google to see if leukemia bruises go away. Apparently they do? I thought Leukemia bruises barely healed and were huge? Anyone know?

08-10-17, 11:32
Katnis Dr Google is a No no especially if YOU want to recover this is one way to break this destructive cycle say no to Google You were feeling better today now this so please stop it :) Cheers

08-10-17, 13:12
Hi Katniss!

I am 36 weeks pregnant and going through horrid health anxiety too. Any symptom I go through, I attribute to cancer (ex. Difficulty breathing- cancer that has spread). I've had more tests since being pregnant than I have had in my whole life. Like you, my red blood cells also came back low at my last blood work and I totally lost it! I've had two endoscopes for fear of stomach cancer and of course I convinced myself it was from that. Low iron and a drop in hemoglobin is extremely common in pregnancy. Our brains are just wired to think the worst. There are tons of women on my pregnancy boars that have become so anemic and aren't worrying that it's due to some sinister disease. I wish I was like that... even with two endoscopes, good weight gain and multiple ultrasounds, I still worry about a missed stomach cancer. If you want to chat more, let me know!