View Full Version : 18 terrified of ALS

25-05-16, 20:45
so i just turned 18 about a month ago and I have seemed to have a type of health anxiety because first It started back in novemeber when i started getting heart paplitations and this seemed to get worse after my non bilogical grandpa passsed away from cancer.

I since then seemed to have all kinds of sympoms and of course when straight to google and typed in my issues and now i know nothing good ever comes from that and at first i was having a brain tumor and then after that worry went away i felt like i had an AAA (aortic anyersym) but i was able to get that checked out and then i was in constant fear i was having a heart attack due to alot of chest pains i was having and i had all the heart test i need such as echo. multiple EKgs, cardiac CT, and everything was fine I also do get short of breath occasionally.
But im 18 and recently have been having muscle twitches all around my body i dont feel weak and i am scared im gonna loose muscle i havent worked out since about febuary and ive been active my whole life but feel like i cant get a job becuase a voice in my head (no litterally) keeps repeating ALS... but i lifted today for the first time in almost 5 months and nothing seemed weak i can walk and use everything on my body when i need it... but i get muscle twitches very very often... my doctor does think i have an anxiety disorder and honest i really hope so because i am terrified of ALS or something like that... the twitching is pretty much wide spread on my body and not really specific but it happens pretty often, i really dont feel fatigued or weak..
Ive read things like migraines can cause twitching and stress and anxiety can also and i might be stressed by freaking out all the time.

I really really want reassurance because this sucks should i be worried no one in my family has any type of illness or anything like that.. both my grandma and grandpa on both my mom and dads side are still living and healthy i just am so affraid that i have this terrible illness..

is anyone going through this or have before and with more symptoms im so terrified

25-05-16, 22:15
Ah yes, the ALS fear. I had a massive fear of MS previously too.

It's anxiety. It is totally anxiety.

Does your doctor have any sort of advice for you on how to best go about getting help/support?

25-05-16, 22:20
Look into a condition called benign fasciculation syndrome. Very common and as the name suggests - totally benign.

ALS is a common fear on anxiety threads and I've never seen anyone that ended up having it. Twitches are extremely common in worriers!

25-05-16, 23:27
I once had a brief ALS fear that was brought on by all those ALS ice bucket challenge videos on Facebook. I didn't even know what it was, but of course I googled and read all the symptoms. Once you do that your screwed, because every little twitch your perfectly healthy body has gets noticed and amplified by the anxiety and you convince yourself you have it.
But ALS is very rare, and a lot of the times genetic, so you usually don't have to worry if you can't think of any blood related family members that have it. And even if one DOES have it, doesn't mean that that gene is shared with you.

26-05-16, 00:58
ALS and MS are among the most common HA fears. That is because of the affect has on the muscular system. Twitches pains aches twinges tingles buzzing shivers shakes. Believe me you do not have either MS or ALS.


---------- Post added at 23:58 ---------- Previous post was at 23:47 ----------

...sorry I should have said that is because of anxiety's affect on the muscular system.