View Full Version : Convinced I will die in Childbirth

25-05-16, 23:43
Hi All!
I am new to this! I have always had different forms of anxiety but have managed to get through pregnancy without meds! (I am however an absolute mess!) this is our third child and this time for some reason I am convinced that I wil for in childbirth. This is so bad that I cannot even look at the other two without getting upset. Has anybody had this and what did you do? I am thinking of demanding a CSection as the labour idea is scaring me so much! (The Other two were naturals and all was fine!) Thanks so much! Kaffy X

26-05-16, 21:48
Hi , so sorry you are feeling this way at a time when you should be so happy , you've been through it before and all was ok it's just the crappy anxiety making you fear the worst it's the most natural thing on earth and like everything it has its risks but then so does crossing the road or walking down stairs in the morning , my partner had two kids with heart problems and she got through it , when you have had your baby you will look back and think what an idiot I was wasting time on these thoughts , they are just thoughts , take care it will be ok

26-05-16, 21:55
I've found that writing out my anxious thoughts somehow makes it better. I think, though, that I probably went through the same thing you did, to the point of writing down all the bills and passwords for my husband, in case something happened.

27-05-16, 20:47
Thanks so much for the replies all! My head is telling me it is a premonition. Is there such a thing as that? Will try writing down the anxiety! X