View Full Version : New symptoms

26-05-16, 11:13
I'm on day 8 now and today increased my dose from 10 to 20mg and I have been feeling really shivery on and off for weeks but worse today so does anyone know if this is a symptom of anxiety or citalopram? I've also had a runny nose and dry throat. Can the tablets cause this side effect and will it go if so? Looking for some reassurance. Thank you and hope everyone is doing ok x

26-05-16, 11:25
Hi there, I've been told the shivering can be a symptom of anxiety so if the citalopram increases anxiety to start with then the shivering could be from that.

26-05-16, 12:37
Thank you

26-05-16, 16:33
Any side effects should pass. There's a fair chance that it's unrelated and just a cold, either way it'll most likely be gone in a few days :)

26-05-16, 19:32
Thanks I've been getting shivers/chills on and off for a while so it's not the tablets along with achy glands. I'm trying my best not to google :-(