View Full Version : Holiday help please

26-05-16, 11:39
Hi , I'm currently signed off work for anxiety and depression , I am meant to be going on holiday to France with my family on Saturday , I spend a lot of my time worrying about it at the moment and don't feel I can do it .

Just had a pill change and just can't seem to calm down

Ideas and advice would be great about now


27-05-16, 08:39
My family dragged me to the airport crying and shaking one year, I really didn't want to go because of my anxiety but they said they wouldn't if I didn't. I had a panic attack on the flight and didn't want to get off the plane at the other end. After one week in sunny Portugal I felt so much better. I still get anxious about holidays but make myself go as I am always ok when I get there.
Not everyone is the same though so only you can make that decision.

27-05-16, 09:22
Thanks Annie x

27-05-16, 09:30
A lot of the anxiety you are feeling could be anticipatory anxiety about going on holiday. The fear of the unknown. Have you been to the same place before? When I am going on holiday I can never see it as anything but a dark, frightening place. I go to the place on google earth and 'walk' around the streets on there to familiarise myself with the area.
The hardest part is getting there. I hope you manage to go and that you will have a lovely relaxing time.

27-05-16, 16:55
We have been there before and is a lovely place it's just I feel so lousy and been worrying about it all week , I am on a slight med change and that's not helping either X X

Fingers crossed huh X X

Stay safe

27-05-16, 17:08
The holiday might be just the medicine you need :) Your change in meds may kick in soon too. I hope you have a lovely time.

27-05-16, 18:18
Thank you X X X fingers crossed X

27-05-16, 18:25
I remember last year going to France with my best friend I was absolutely terrified but once I got there I did love it .
Hope your new meds kick in soon and you have an amazing time .
Good luck :D