View Full Version : Loosing sight

26-05-16, 21:31
I'm so worried for my dad. He had a cataract removed about 3 weeks ago and everything went fine (this was his second) he went back to hospital for a check up last week and they discharged him as it looked good. This morning he said he had a bright light across his eye and couldn't see very well but he wouldn't let me take him to the Drs. When I came home from work he told me it was much better and not to worry. Tonight my mums called me they've had to call the out of hours dr and they want him back at the hospital tomorrow. He's told me tonight that he first noticed this bright light on Tuesday but thought it would go away. From what he's explained he can't see anything at the top of his vision on that side it's just black then below is starting to go blurry.

I'm worried his retina may be detaching but if this is that case surely the dr would have wanted to see him tonight instead of tomorrow dinner time?

He's had problems with his eyes for year with bleeds but it wasnt until he had laser treatment last year before his first cataract operation that this stopped

Anyone been in a similar situation?

27-05-16, 08:01
I haven't been in a similar situation but didn't want your post to go unanswered. Hopefully your Dad will get some results today.

27-05-16, 16:04
Thank you so much for replying. It wasn't the answers we were hoping for his retina is detaching and he needs an operation next week

27-05-16, 17:11
I hope the operation goes well for your dad.

27-05-16, 17:30
Thank you