View Full Version : Light at the end of the tunnel....

27-05-16, 02:57
This is long, bear with me. It really does have a positive message lol.

I am a 36 year old female that was diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorder at age 17. Managed pretty well for many years...but, my anxiety came back with a vengeance in January this year. No reason why really, I work full time, am in college part time, and have a daughter that will be a senior in high school next year. Seems like my life is very similar to many others really. But, I started not sleeping well. Would wake up multiple times in a night. Had some dizzy/vertigo type spells, had a visit to the ER for an EKG. All normal. Which was great in theory, but my health anxiety just wouldn't listen to those results. Finally, I got sick of it and made an appt with my GP to seek out the medication I have refused for 20 years.

I am very pharmaphobic. Comes from being a drug addict in my teen years, they tell me. Whatever the reason, I was terrified to take the meds. 10mg of Lexapro, so very mild. Worked up the guts and took one. Immediately started to feel relaxed. Almost stoned. Probably in my head....but regardless, I called my GP the next day to ask if it was normal. Doc told me to immediately stop taking and come to their office. Scared the living snot out of me....and sent me into a massive panic attack because I thought I was dying from this one pill. Needless to say that just wanted me to try a new kind. No thanks....I will go back to no meds.

Got in to see a therapist. I also don't like them. Lol....never been one to discuss my feelings. Saw her three times....she really didn't tell me anything that I didn't already know.

Fast forward 5 months, and I am almost back to normal. Don't get me wrong, I still have moments here and there. They are manageable. Today it's worrying about feeling a little dizzy but it comes and goes. I come here and read others stories when I need to. I don't post much unless it's to offer something I have experienced, that might help someone else....I am more of a lurker and a reader haha. But, every day it gets easier, and I go for days in a row with no anxiety at all.

The moral of this story is that it WILL get better. Find what works for you, whether it's meds, talk therapy, distraction, whatever it is. Read some posts. Try to comment and help others with your own experiences. We all think our anxiety is the worst ever, and no one has experienced what we are going through. But the truth is, 90% of people on here have experienced the same thing. Read, listen, and learn from those that have been there, fought, and won. And thanks to all those that have helped me on my journey too :winks:

27-05-16, 03:17
have you been checked for Labyrinthitis? it's more common than people think. I had it a few years ago and thought I was going to die as it made me feel faint and like I had just stepped off a marry-go-round. It's an inner ear issue that causes virtigo-like symptoms, can be fine fine one minute and then get a wave of dizziness.
Mine went away with time but left we with health anxiety.

27-05-16, 03:25
They diagnosed me at the ER with OPPV....something about positional vertigo. It goes away for a long time then will just randomly pop up again here and there. I've finally gotten to the point now where I can recognize it and tell myself it's not dangerous, it will pass....and it does. ��

27-05-16, 04:32
Hey Glassgirl - Great story and advice. Yhank you! :)
