View Full Version : In tears. Never felt so scared.

27-05-16, 10:01
Hi, long time HA sufferer here. Actually I posted here last year my concerns about having melanoma, which of course resulted in nothing.
This time, however, I feel is very different. Everything started like 6 weeks ago when I started feeling a mild pain/pressure close to my shoulder every time I burped or when reflux was going up. I didn't pay much attention but I started to freak out when this was not going away.
3 weeks ago we traveled to the US and I felt fine most of the time, the pain some days dissapeared, but the next day it was there. I thought maybe it was muscular and I was ok.
Then we came back home and from the first day I started with stomach problems (lack of appetite, loose stools), at the beginning I thought it was jet lag related, but I also started to read things related to PC and I freaked out completely.
Almost 2 weeks have passed and my bowel movements are not normal. Color is fine, but consistence varies from liquid to soft. 2 days ago I recovered my appetite and I was happy, but now is gone again. I ate a banana this morning and immediately the stomach pain started. and coming to work I was feeling weird, like if I was going to faint.
Right now I feel nauseous, bloated, with no energy and scared as hell. Please please if somebody relates let me know. I don't want to die.
I am a 39 year old woman, non smoker, no drinker, normal weight, just with some addiction to chocolate. No cancer history. I have 2 small kids and I don't want to leave them without a mother. Please help.

27-05-16, 10:47
All the symptoms you are describing are anxiety related so that is most likely to be the cause. No harm in seeing your GP for reassurance.

Gary A
27-05-16, 10:49
You're making quite a jump here. There's absolutely no reason to think this is anything remotely sinister. You may have a minor stomach bug or your stomach is simply a little messed up because of the irregularities in your food intake.

Try to eat light meals and take some over the counter antacids. If that doesn't relieve these symptoms, see your doctor. There are an absolute multitude of very benign conditions that can cause these symptoms, pancreatic cancer shouldn't even enter your thoughts at this stage.

27-05-16, 11:18
Thanks guys, your replies are quit reassuring. I had stomach problems in the past but this time is that strange back pain what freaks me out. I'm still dizzy and nauseous, I hope this is really anxiety related. I'm not sure if I will be able to make the whole day at work.

27-05-16, 18:52
I'm shaking. I haven't eaten during the whole day as I don't feel hungry. I'm also scared of eating because that will trigger my stomach pain. This never happened to me before. I will visit my GP on Monday but I don't know how to survive the weekend. Please help.

27-05-16, 19:17
I know it isn't easy but you must try to rationalise your fears. You are anxious about this so that in itself is going to make food rush through your digestive system. I have ibs and an have loose stools for weeks then change to being constipated. Anxiety causes havoc with our digestive systems.

27-05-16, 19:30
Your anxiety is likely causing all of this now. Fear, worry, stress all play havoc with your digestion and make you lose your appetite, feel pain, change bowel movements and so on.

The key truly is to calm down. If you think eating something will make you sick or hurt, it probably will because you convince yourself that it will. The mind / body relationship is crazy like that.

Do not jump to conclusions. If you have anything, it's far more likely to be a bug or IBS or anything not sinister. Don't go to the worst place when there's so so many other explanations.

27-05-16, 21:48
Hi- I'm like the opposite of you, I used to have gastro worries and now I have melanoma fears!

With regards to stomach problems, about two years ago I started with reflux/ belching/pain/diarrhea. I was frightened to eat because I knew I would have hours of symptoms- it was worse at night and I couldn't sleep. Anyhow, it came and went over a period of 18 months. During one bad attack, I finally went to the doctors and convinced them to do tests. I had an endoscopy, colonoscopy and ultrasound. I was convinced I had cancer or some awful disease. Guess what? Mild gastritis. The doc didn't even give me meds because he thought it as I'm quite young it may just clear up naturally. Just having them reassure me and doing the checks eased my symptoms within weeks. It's incredible really what the mind can do although, someone once told me that the gut is like a second brain.

My issues still flare up when I get stressed- they did diagnose IBS which is definitely worse when my anxiety is high. I had exams this week and on one day, I had diarrhea 8 times in three hours before even leaving the house! You must try and eat something, not eating alone could make you feel dizzy and ill. I personally find it helpful to be around people than bench alone, I would go stir crazy by myself.

Go to the doctors if you are worried- I am getting my moles checked in 10 days- but please try not to jump to conclusions :)

P.S. If you do turn out to have IBS, try a high strength, good quality probiotic, they really helped me!

06-06-16, 13:18
Thanks guys for your kind replies. It gives me a little of reassurance. My appetite came back although some days is a little bit low again. I'm not as dizzy as before and my stomach is much better.

Unfortunately, this damn back pain persists. Only when swallowing (not always) and when I feel a burp is coming up (also not always, sometimes stops one day and then comes back the next)

I want to go to the doctor but I don't know if he will take me seriously, as he sent me to therapy last time I was there.

Any ideas of what this could be?


06-06-16, 13:50
I've suffered frm IBS for many years, all anxiety related and different symptoms but mostly pain due to trapped wind, in random parts of my stomach, my back and high up in my chest even up to my shoulder.
I've visited the doctor more toms than I can count but always with the same diagnosis. IBS and anxiety.
You can actually buy good IBS medication over the counter at a pharmacy, just ask the pharmacist. It will help to reduce the wind and pain. Something to reduce your anxiety would be good too because as long as you feel anxious about your symptoms they'll continue.

07-06-16, 00:17
Sounds like IBS to me.. I've got it. Do you have a morning 'Rush' to go to the toliet. I had symptoms for months before it settled.